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  • I learned from a TV show about weed that Regular weed is the bud and haze is the leaves. Haze is not as strong.
  • purple haze is just like marijuana. it is not weed laced with anything. it has a ..calm high. theres also marijuana flavored lollipop called purple haze. its flavored with hemp oil but doesnt give you the high..too bad huh?
  • Haze is a certain strain of the plant. A name someone gave to there variety of the plant. There is other strains that are anything but regular.
  • Haze weed is REALLY popular in Amsterdam at the moment. Basically they're called "Haze weeds" because they have been selecively bred from the original Purple Haze or something similar. The smell is distinctive and the taste is wonderfully spicy. These weeds are extremely strong and varied due to the decades of selective breeding. Haze has came a long way since Purple Haze and strains include Arjans Haze, Amnesia Haze, G-13 Haze and the 2008 Cannabis Cup winner Super Lemon Haze from Greenhouse Seed Company. The aforementioned strains are my personal favourites but "crosses" are available. If you're going to Amsterdam and you want to try haze weed, go to Dampkring Coffeeshop in Central district (out of station, turn right), and ask for "G-13 x Amnesia Haze". Expect to pay 12 euros for 1g but you will not be disappointed. Peace!

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