• It depends on the context in which you want to use them as examples. Both Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia have several characteristics that are not typical or necessary for fascist or communist regimes, respectively. For example, the fascist regime in Austria (1934-1938) had no ambitions for territorial expansion (as Hitler did), and neither the Austrian nor the Italian (1922-1943) fascist regime used antisemitism as an essential tool for rallying the masses. Stalinist Russia is also a very extreme example of a communist state, partly because of Stalin's personality (I think he had close to 1 million prisoners executed, and was responsible for the deaths of many millions more), partly also because of its enormous size (which can make comparisons to much smaller communist states such as Cuba problematic). In post-Stalinist Eastern Europe, many different versions of communist states developed, from the East German regime that employed more than 100000 of its citizens to spy on their neighbors to the relatively liberal Hungary.
  • Nazi Germany, somewhat, yes. However, the definition of Communism cannot be seen in Stalin's Russia.
  • Both Nazi Germany and Stalinist (and beyond) Russia are examples of fascist states. Communism, by definition, develops out of socialism. Socialism, by definition, develops out of capitalism. In other words, Russia never met the definition of communism.
  • Nope. Mussolini's Italy is an example of a fascist regime and Cuba a communist one.

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