• I don't mean to make any assumptions here - this is based on my own experience and is therefore flawed, but I'll take a stab at it. This sounds like someone who's on too strict a diet - they lose a few pounds but the restraint is just too much and they end up going overboard at the first opportunity. Maybe during those times when your house is spotless and you're working 12 hours a day and tightly clutching your purse strings it's like you are on a strict diet. Then when you can't stand it any more you're splurging, messy and lazy. Balance is what seems called for here. There's no need for the "strict diet", and clearly it isn't making you happy. Remember that the journey is just as important as the goal you're reaching for. If you achieve the goal but are miserable, cranky, exhausted and didn't have any fun, what have you really achieved? If you can focus on ways to enjoy each day and consciously make it a point to do something loving for yourself every day, maybe those splurges of self-indulgence won't be necessary. Whatever it is that makes you feel the most relaxed and at ease with yourself - do it every day. Budget that time FIRST because it fuels you.
  • Let me ask, are you a perfectionist? Many people who are perfectionists feel like things need to be 'done right or not at all'. I'm quite a bit that way, I have to tell myself I don't have to wipe the baseboards every time I sweep and mop. If that is the case with you remember to stay focused and tell yourself it's OK something is not spotless, at least it's done and it's better. Keep your priorities in mind, remember too many priorities is the same as having none. In this example, sweep and mop, don't worry about the baseboards or notice the doors need to be wiped down around the knob or whatever else it seems like needs to be done to make the room look spotless. Get the floor done and move on to the laundry, or cleaning the bathroom, etc. Those are the things that help me. Good luck.
  • Lady Fuschia, I have no idea how to help you, but here is a song I dedicate to you.

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