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  • Not realy. It's from the way our pelvic girddle is designed. It's much wider then a man's so we can carry children so the way we walk is diffrent. When we step our hips are going to swing more so we can get the same forward momenetem a guy has with his narrower pelvic girddle. Also that stride is how we get a potential mates attention because the more swing to our step the easier it will be for us to carry children and give birth. Now some women do pratice at getting more swing or wear heels to get a swing and longer legs for attention, but for the most part it's natural.
  • Although a few do, for the most part they do not knowingly try to ... ... what "pasobrio now has a jetpack said" ...
  • Only the ones who want to look like hookers do, the rest of us just kind of accidentally have a bit of swing to our step.
  • Some girls do intentionally. Some girls don't. For the ones that do it intentionally, it's comparable to a guy flexing his muscles.
  • It depends A. On how sexy I feel at the time. B. Who's looking. and C. Where I am.
  • I know I probably just in-vision or imagine that girls are really doing this(probably just as your boyfriend does)it's a sort of hopeful delusion that I think a lot of guys have and cannot tell reality from actual "wiggling" events. If they(women)don't really wiggle their butts intentionally, they should, in order to maintain the mental health of the male gender. We don't want to be labeled as crazy.
  • 2-18-2017 Did you ever hear of hula? It is a dance specifically based on the female hips: men can't do it. Get used to it: men and women are different, right down to the chemicals in their cells.
  • Haha sometimes but mostly its just the way some of us are built with how we walk.

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