• i counted 4 rows when i feed it, I d catch the cat and count them again but it will scratch and bite me.
    • Linda Joy
      Umm... then no, go count again! lol jk. Why is your cat so mean? Oh this is stevo! That explains it! I'd probably scratch you too once in a while! jk. I hope its a good mouser!
    • 11stevo73
      Im only here a couple of days a week about 3 years ago I came home it was on the door mat, it comes inside now. It just moved in I mistakenly feed it. I think its old owner moved house and left it.
    • 11stevo73
      How many rows should it have?
    • 11stevo73
    • Linda Joy
      I was only kidding man. You have the right answer. Cats are hard to move. We tried to move one to the new house and as soon as we opened the car door that cat took off like a bat outa hell and we never saw it again!
    • Linda Joy
      That cat looks like a huge rat!
    • 11stevo73
      its a ring tailed possum
    • Linda Joy
      oh that makes more sense. lol.

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