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men enjoy seeking it out but women enjoy it more. Saw a study were men were much more happier however if you add in oral to mix women jump up in front.
Linda JoyA study saying men were happier in general than women or that they're happier sexually than women? Women are happier receiving or giving oral?
ARTICFOX700Women are happier both ends when oral is involved. Study said men were happier in general.
Linda JoyMmmm k.! Thank you!
I suspect women. They have deeper fantasies
A man's "pleasure" is more obviously detected, indeed the existance of a woman's "pleasure" was disputed (mainly by men...) for many years. Western society has historically disapproved of women admitting to enjoying sex (nice girls don't etc.) so I think men are more likely to admit (or exaggerate) the level of pleasure and maybe some women downplay it? Ideally sex should be equally pleasurable for all participants, I know I enjoy it more if I know my partner has achieved "pleasure."
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