• I think it was a Russian plot ... that and traffic circles too.
    • Anoname
      Was thinking about how pot holes damage cars when I thought so do the speed humps.
    • Ice man
      Oh god yes !! We've got a few around here that if you don't slow right down to a crawl ... you'll damage your car suspension for sure. I try to avoid those streets all together when on the motorcycle.
  • I've heard of speed dates...
    • Ice man
      ...But how much fun can you really have in those two minutes, before the buzzer goes off ?
    • Linda Joy
      That sounds like an interesting challenge.
  • Actually it was a physicist. The modern Speed Bump was invented by Arthur Compton in 1953. This guy was pretty bright, as he also won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1927.
    • Ice man
      He should be shot with a ball of his own shit.
    • Linda Joy
      He's already dead
    • Ice man
      Well he should still be shot with a ball of his own shit. At least now he can't shoot it back. : )
    • Linda Joy
      Seems a bit harsh
    • Ice man
      Not when it costs you a fortune after you bottom out your suspension and break shocks and springs.
    • Linda Joy
      Are they broken? Usually speed bumps don't cause damage if you slow down for them.
    • Ice man
      The key word being - usually. I can show you some speed bumps that are well beyond extreme and damage your vehicle regardless of how slow you go over them..
    • Linda Joy
      I'm sorry for your aggravation and cost. Is there any way you could petition your representatives to have them fixed?
  • No. just engineers with no imagination.. In Jersey there are speed diamonds that are angled to points on the sides. Much easier on vehicles while slowing the traffic. My solution to slowing down traffic is have speed actuated rumble strips. If you stay within the desired max speed the road remains smooth.
    • mushroom
      Sure, but those are no fun when they're in front of your house. Who wants to hear BRRRRRRRRRRRR all night?

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