What kind of "scooter" are we talking? ..a mobility scooter for people who can't walk easily? Or the toy for fun variety "scooter"?
Linda JoyCommuter
Hello Linda. Interesting question. Here's what I found in the way of 2 person commuter scooter. Not sure if it meets your low-to-the ground req
Linda Joy
Low to the ground wouldn't be a necessity with the tricycle. But at that price I could get a used car! Thank you though! I appreciate your making the effort to answer! -
Linda Joy
And it's good to see you again! I missed you! How is your girlfriend?
i have one i havent been using, but people tell me to keep it in case i ever need it, its just a mobility scooter i used when i had my hip implants
If you are going to ride on a highway, you gotta have a gasoline-powered engine. I would recommend at least a 180cc machine minimum. Don't ever buy a Chinese machine. (service and parts are sketchy)
Linda Joy
No, Electric scooters are legal on the highway.
not sure, i have one i havent been using but its not close to the ground, got it when i had nny hip innplants, people tell nne to keep it in case i ever need it again, got it fronn a trust fund so i didnt even have to pay for it
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