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  • Well exercises based upon yoga. And not in my backyard but my living room in warm weather. Would like to join your class but wouldn't do it alone like that outside.
    • Beach_Niki
      My backyard is fenced and surrounded by trees so it's nice and private. I know I'm not going to be bothered by anyone. We'd love to have you over!
  • Hi Nikki - Never tried it, but I am not a yoga guy. My gf does yoga - I'll ask her. Just wanted to let you know that I responded to that long exchange we were having with deety, just in case you are interested. I was with my gf for our Valentine's/"anniversary" weekend, which is why I am only responding now. Hope you are well.
  • Yes, a friend told me he saw some on a porn site.
  • I do some Yoga in my home but have not done so nude. It sounds fun and perhaps one day I will.

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