Sex and drugs and rock&roll were very good indeed ! lol
Nosmo King
Are you a fan of the late Ian Dury, Ice man? -
Ice man
I wasn't a big big fan of his, but that was a catchy tune we use to have fun with. : ) -
Nosmo King
He did a few catchy tunes we used to have fun with, Ice man. This one was his biggest hit, it got to number one here in the UK: -
Ice man
Yes, "Hit me with your rhythm stick" was another good one. Brings back good memories of our biker clubhouse full of people partying all night, wearing sunglasses and dancing. It was a great time to be alive ! -
Well it wasn't all S,D, and R&R but that certainly was around and I did my share for better or worse. -
Nosmo King
I had plenty of R&R in the 70s, but I personally didn't experience S or D until the 80s. Lol:) -
Army Veteran
I don't frequent the same Karaoke bars that Ian Dury did. Karaoke is where people who have no talent go to prove it. Which Karaoke bar was this your Youtube link recorded at?
I know just what you mean. I really miss the hope, idealism, the friendliness, appreciation of others and the understanding and acceptance that seemed to be such a part of those days. Now its all become so horribly selfish and about "rights" rather than responsibilities. But of course we miss our youth as well when so many things were wonderful fresh new discoveries for us. Its like everything has become so radicalized and distorted now. People don't seem to enjoy like we did then. But no the idea of being just "stuck" does not appeal to me. I would not want to be where I was then. I took what I learned and did something with it so that now my life is so incredibly richer in almost all ways than it was then. In spite of the negativity of these times.
Nosmo King
Even if you are richer financially now, no amount of money could buy back all the splendid old buildings that have now been destroyed. How does one find a solution to that one? -
True and all the natural areas that are gone and have been built up. -
Nosmo King
They should have introduced laws to stop that in 1960, if not before. -
LBJ signed the National Historic Preservation Act in 1966. Its focus was on cultural sites as well as architectural history. The movement was fueled by the outcry at the destruction of New York's Penn station a few years earlier.
Platform boots were apparently fashionable in the 1970s, so it can't have been a bad decade. I wasn't born until November 1977, so I missed most of it.
Nosmo King
I remember those boots being fashionable in the 1970s, Bootsiebaby. Yet one more reason why it was such a wonderful decade. Lol:) -
How old were you when platform boots were fashionable in the 1970s, Nosmo? Did you like them then? -
Nosmo King
I was roughly between 10 and 15 when they were fashionable, and yes, of course I liked them then.
Well, the music was excellent, far better than the Beatles crap of the sixties. The drug culture was still getting started, still lovey-dovey. Weed was cheap and easy to get. I used to hang out with a guy and we went to this two story bar and he was going upstairs to score a lid and coming downstairs to sell it. He didn't make any money, he just wanted to carry it from one point to the other, just to be part of the action. The price was ten bux. He bought a Chevy Camaro and after a while it would die when in a right turn. He researched it and found out that all Camaros were made with only two bolts in the carburetor, so when they loosened it would tilt and let air in and the engine would die. For me, the decade was Nixonomics; I had 18 full time permanent jobs in ten years. Companies folded that fast. But the music sure was good. Too bad I couldn't afford an actual audio system. A good system could not be had for less than a thousand bux, five week's wages.
Nosmo King
I wouldn't say the Beatles were crap, Jewels. Far from it. I don't think most of the good music in the 1970s would have come about had it not been for the Beatles. I imagine it would all have been watered-down rock 'n' roll with little of the spark of originality that made that genre so special in pre-Beatles days. -
There was some great soul music in the 1960s even though it was before my time. Diana Ross, Gladys Knight, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Otis Redding, Stevie Wonder, the Four Tops, the Temptations, Martha Reeves and the Vandellas and many other soul legends began their careers in the 1960s. -
... -
Nosmo King
"What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted" was a hit twice, first in 1966 and then as a reissue in 1974. Both times it reached the top 10, peaking at 8 the first time and number 4 the second.
There will always be an old generation trying to hold onto the past but being phased out, and the newer ones growing to find their own identity in a changing world. Good or bad is simply the individual perception. Personally I like to have the portable devices which are common now.
Too modern, would be much better to be back in the 1800s except for the period of time during and just after the War of Northern Aggression (aka Civil War)
Oh hell no! I was stuck in the army in the 70s.
Free Speech at an all time high. Censorship was at an all time low....along with the hopes and machinations of commies & socialists...while the leftists had yet to weaponize the libtards, or convert the public schools into indoctrination factories. The hippie crap had begun to slowly recede. The middle class was viable. Vietnam War was winding down. I'd say the 70s was the Golden Age.
- in any era, there were (compared to the present) positives and negatives in the 70s. So: no, that would not be a good thing. FOR EXAMPLE: we would still have things like the Cold War and the Energy Crisis and Bussing, and we would not acquire things such as affordable utilitarian personal computers, graphics monitors, laser printers and personal hard drives, anti-lock brakes, useful electric vehicles, efficient light bulbs, modern (often effective) cancer treatments, etc. etc.
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