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  • A man's penis will not puncture your cervix. The cervix is the entrance into your uterus and is designed to not allow anything to pass through but sperm, menstrual blood, and a baby during labor. If the penis is very long it may press against the cervix and cause cervical bruising. If you feel pain, tell your partner to slow down and be less rough.
  • Oh my God,no,it can't.
  • Well, though scientifically it is difficult for a man's penis to penetrate a woman's cervix, in my case, it maybe by a freak of nature that my organ perhaps has penetrated my wife's cervix. My wife is a small made woman by body structure, while I am exceptionally endowed by nature with a gigantic penis. The first time, the freak incident occured, my wife got considerable pain deep in her vagina. But in extreme lust and passion, I did not stop and continued - all the while feeling as if my penis was passing through another un-known part deep in my wife's vagina. I suppose that this may have been cervix. This has happened quite a few times. Though we are not very sure, my wife and I now get the feeling that my penis actually penetrates her cervix especially in times of extreme and rough passion.
  • My husband also enters the opening of my cervix. He is very long and I am shallow. When we first starting having sex he would bang my cervix and it would hurt like heck, I would get bruised. Now after sex I can actually reach in with my finger and feel that my cervix has opened up to accomodate his length. I have never heard of it before but we have been together for over a year and I haven't had infections or anything or any more pain so I suppose it will be alright.
  • I am absolutely horrified by the idea that adults exist that have so little knowledge of their own or their partners anatomy??!!! There is no way on gods green earth that you can penetrate a cervical OS. IS NOT POSSIBLE.
  • Try 8x8by6x8 (9" at it's fullest) pounding your cervix 6 stroke reps & tell me your not begging for mercy?!... Your cervix WILL feel like it's suffering a degree of bruising. Long live the King O Babylon ;-)

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