• You do not believe in him so why ask. You are in danger of proseletyzing your views.
  • My God, the God of Israel, the Father of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is, indeed worthy of worship.
  • That Depends on how you feel about characters who are portrayed as Narcassistic, Angry, Genocidal, Cruel, Spiteful, petty sociopaths.
  • If you are talking about the Judeo-Christian God, then f**k no. Just read the story about the two bears. Where God sends two bears to kill 50 or so children because they called one of his prophets bald. How loving. Or any part of the bible, especially the old testament, really. Also, one could argue, through reading the old testament, whether God was omni-max at all. He seems to have no clue about anything at all in the creation-story book-thing. Allah doesn't seem to be worthy the time either. The only God I would say are worth worshipping is freja (old norse god), but I'm not so sure either. Maybe Thor though, cheesus that guy was brave.
  • For me? Yes.
  • I am glad i did not ask this question.
  • God has to exist for "him" to be worshiped. =)
  • No, if he does exist then he is definatly not worthy of our worship! What has he done for us? Look at the state of the world! Why should we worship an all powerful being that can just ignore all the stuff happening today??
  • My Creator is, indeed.
  • my god, the one who has created this earth and has made us into existince and sent his only son to die for me and you as stated in John 3:16, is more worthy than you you would think.
  • My God, the one who has created earth and everything on it is VERY worthy of worship!
  • If one believes in that sort of thing, sure go ahead.
  • Read the Psalms to help answer your question. Psalm 7,8 are a great place to start. 3 When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers – the moon and the stars you have set in place – 4 what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us? 5 For you made us only a little lower than God, and you crowned us with glory and honor. 6 You put us in charge of everything you made, giving us authority over all things – 7 the sheep and the cattle and all the wild animals, 8 the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents. 9 O LORD, our Lord, the majesty of your name fills the earth! We have a purpose; we do not go day to day in a foggy haze. We were made for a destiny. What will satisfy your soul most deeply and for the longest period of time? The Joy of following Christ. God is not conceited, but demands everyone & everything to glorify Him. He can’t help but be the most: perfect, powerful, all knowing, all wise, good, immortal God. God does things for his own sake. Isah 48:8-11. This means he is jealous; He will not give His glory to another. What is God passionate about? (His own glory) God does not have an ego. Even though He commands you to praise Him and threatens to hurt you if you refuse. Jer 13:6-11. God is worthy. -Dan
  • It depends who, or what you mean by "god"
  • uhm if you're talking about one god only god well i'd say yea but that's because i know him as gracious and all merciful and he created me. so yea. there's only one god worthy of worship for me. if you think of any other god i'd say no... but to you be your belief and to me be my own
  • No, God is not worthy of worship. It's simple logic really: If God exists, and if he's conscious, then he operates outside the boundaries of what we conceive as morality. Thus, he is not worthy of any moral being's worship. If God is NOT conscious, then he is not worthy of worship either simply because it is not a HE at all, it is simply an element. If this is the case, God should be taken into account, but not worshipped. I'll probably get downrated but nevertheless, it is impossible to argue with this logic.
  • Deuteronomy 7:16-24 Deuteronomy 7:1-4 Colossians 3:18 Sirach 23:22-25 No, I'd say he isn't.
  • To me his is.
  • One must know God before one can worship God. God is worthy only to those that are given to know Him.
  • Only if he is truely god.
  • Personally, I think God is worthy of worship because I think his Creation is beautiful and good. But this is a question every person has to answer for themselves. I don't, however, think that God requires worship. I don't believe that, if there is some eternal reward, atheists, heretics, and infidels will be denied it just because they don't worship God. If there is a Heaven or whatever, good people will be rewarded, regardless of their faith. I believe that what matters in life, to us and to God, is our actions, not our thoughts.
  • God Himself is totally fine. It's the humans and their damned chiming and false propheting and fist shaking proclamations which should be ignored.
  • Yep. Sure is :) And I don't feel the need to debate it, either. There are plenty of folks who are eager to walk that line for me. My job lies elsewhere.
  • Sure. Just as much as the next mythological bad guy.
  • Yes.....
  • tell me the name of a particular god and i will answer.
  • Spinner in California's comment is right. Which God? Everyone worships something!! It may be their looks, someone else, a bank account, Whatever we put first in our lives we make it our "GOD" But, on the other hand if you are referring to the TRUE GOD. Then people need to find out for themselves who HE is. It is right in front of YOU and has been for a long time. And as far as worship, are you willing to perhaps forgo longtime held beliefs , to do as Romans 12:2 says. Worship is not just a religion, it is a WAY OF LIFE. That is why it is SO IMPORTAN to make sure which God you decide to worship. Thanks
  • Yes! We must kneel trembling before Him lest He send our souls to roast in eternal fire! Or did you mean in a moral sense?
  • Even if there is a god, or some kind of divine power (and I will admit that the chance still exists), I don't know anything about it, and I certainly would not consider it a thing that needs to be worshipped, whether it was worthy or not.
  • yes. he is worthy of more.
  • As much as Zeus and the Flying Spaghetti Monster
  • As long as it didn't make obama jelous!
  • Which god?
  • So Jehovah hey - In the Tanahk YHVH Elohim - the Israelite deity. My answer is a resounding NO. Unless of course you are of a direct blood-line or the insemination product of YHVH Elohim, your "worship" will not be either acknowledged or accepted. You would have needed to cut a "brit" or covenant with YHVH where both of you are in a win, win situation - you serve him (generally food and wine) and he serves you (with cattle, sheep, gold and so forth). No Elohim is worthy of worship, especially YHVH.
  • No, now stop that silliness and get back to work.
  • Are atheists worthy of answers to questions about what they don't believe in?
  • Whenever he provides us with sufficient evidence of his existence...sure, absolutely.
  • Yes my God is Worthy of all our worship...
  • The believer believes that he obtains love, justice, eternal life and protection from god. In exchange, the believer gives up part of his freedom: he submits himself to all kinds of restrictive rules, he gives up a large part of his income and he increases his feelings of guilt. Moreover, he turns off his ability of critical thought when assessing the tales found in the holy books. The tragic thing is that the believer receives nothing in return from god. Nothing. No love, no justice, no immortality and perhaps especially no protection. The believer only arouses a pleasant feeling in himself, by believing that he is the recipient of all this. Many people, among you and I, experience on a given moment a sneaking feeling of bitter disappointment. They realize that they are not at all protected. That their hardships are not just or equitable. That the so-called love of god apparently allows for a gruesome amount of misery, also to themselves: what kind of love would that be? And then they gradually restart their critical thought processes. And then they see that many holy stories just don't add up. Impossible. In short: they realize that they have been deceived. A bitter pill. But one, which also has advantages. You can throw out a heap of stupid rules out the door. You don't have to feel guilty no longer concerning all kinds of innocent matters. In short: you take your life in your own hands. You can easily achieve this, because you are a smart person with a good intelligence. The world does not come to an end because of your unbelief, and you really do not lose your grip of life.

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