• Organization, reasonable expectations, and innovation.
  • I don't think "these days" is really any different than "the old days" in this regard. Here's some thoughts I have about the topic: - A leader IS the expression of some vision or purpose. Basically, true leadership is when the leader's ego isn't running the show -- rather, the vision or purpose is running the show and the leader is "riding that wave": almost as if they're actions are being determined by something from beyond themselves. This is how ordinary people accomplish extraordinary things: they allow their self-concern to dissolve and let the "big picture" run the show. - A good leader isn't out to impose his or her will on others, and isn't stuck with a fixed idea of how the undertaking must turn out. Rather, they're listening to the whole, and coordinating / steering / guiding, rather than controlling. - A good leader makes room for other people to assist with leadership. They don't micromanage. - A good leader shares credit where appropriate. - A good leader holds others accountable for producing results, but has compassion and respect for those working for the project... understanding that mistakes happen, and nobody is perfect. - A good leader is able to share about the project in a way that others are called to participate -- they can "hear themselves" in the vision.
  • The same as it always did. Inspiring others to follow because they trust in the ability of the leader to make good decisions that are in the interest of the people he is leading. A good leader does the job well in Scouts, an Army platoon or the head of a nation. It takes the same qualities.
  • I think what you meant to say is, "What do you think it takes to buy a good leader these days". We don't have good leaders, this is what American produces folks, this is the best we can do, garbage in, garbage out.
  • Big black boots and a leather whip.
  • Arrogance
  • It takes FAILURES to be a good leader.
  • balls. j/p. a leader needs to be charismatic.
  • great communication skills.
  • Respect for your group and respect from them!
  • Respect for your group and respect from your group these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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