• Mae West talking to a handsome very tall man: "So tell me big boy, exactly how big are you?" Man says: "I'm 6 foot, 8 inches." Mae West: "Forget about the six feet- tell me more about those eight inches."
  • "SEDAGIVE???" Young Frankenstein
  • "Why dont you just pull your lip over your head...and swollow" Grumpy Old Men
  • his what? his Faja dr.evil. his ferrrjerr? Whatsa ferrrjer?
  • Walk this way!!!!! Young Frankenstein
  • "Why does it smell like wet dog in here?" The friar, in Van Helsing. "You've managed to Forrest Gump your way through this thing..." Julia Roberts to Brad Pitt in The Mexican. ""You smell funny!", Capt. Jack Sparrow to Norrington in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
  • Kathy Bates again, in "Fried Green Tomatoes" when the young, smart-ass girls cut her off and take her parking place... [Evelyn is cut off in a parking lot] Evelyn Couch: Hey! I was waiting for that spot! Girl #1: Face it, lady, we're younger and faster! [Evelyn rear-ends the other car six times] Girl #1: What are you *doing*? Girl #2: Are you *crazy*? Evelyn Couch: Face it, girls, I'm older and I have more insurance. ..that was the funniest response I can remember! I love that movie. hmm...'bout time for me to get out that dvd again!
  • I would need to interview all of her family members, have her sent in for a full psychological evaluation, and make sure that I fully understand the reasons why she never knew man yet. We would have to procreate right away in order to create healthy offspring because I am quite sure I could hear her clock ticking from miles away. By the way, she has to be attractive and intelligent too.
  • Considering that he'd be 18 years my senior, it'd have to be a very good relationship. (I suppose it would be, to be thinking of marriage!)
  • Sexually? Yes. I would hope that partners would take it slowly until they figured out what worked best for them. What's pleasurable for one person isn't always so for the other. If you have someone who's more dominant in bed (and not just in the BDSM sense), it may take a while to see how that would work for those two particular partners. Just look at kissing for a simplified example. Who takes the lead? Is there tongue involved? What style of kissing do both prefer beforehand? What do they decide on? The problem that may come up would be inability to maintain an erection, but there are pills for that. I've also known 20-year-olds who were impotent due to medication or medical conditions. Virgins tend to realize that they have a lot to learn and are willing to take the effort to please their partners.
  • No i dont think i could handle crap sex again, having to teach and be patient, and also i'd find it a bit strange WHY they still were, just my opinion.
  • Yes, I would be curious. I've known guys who wouldn't have sex because of religious reasons and others who were genuinely asexual (even when it came to kissing). I've also known guys who were virgins because they COULDN'T get any. (I suppose it's better than a guy who thinks he's God's gift to women because all of his partners have faked it as not to hurt his fragile ego.)
  • I am a 40 year old virgin....kidding. I probably wouldn't marry her because it would likely take a while to get really intimate. I really don't feel like going through that part of my youth again. I guess it was fun at the time, but not sure I have the patience for it now.
  • Never again...
  • I actually knew one fellow in Europe. Kind of shy, psudomachisimo, and a little more than 40 years old. He had little sense of hygiene, (his wife to be taught him about soap..I am not kidding) never knew about deodorant either, a child in that way, not too much sophistication,but was a good "fearing" fellow, kind of handsome too, for his type ( a virtual mountain man ). Suppose he was jumping for joy when the first woman came around who really cared...just waiting to bloom, spring forth. Heard he got himself a wife finally, she was a complete opposite actually, worldly and filled with sophistications but she seemed very very happy, truely happy, the way things should be. Who knows why people wait or not, love has no rules, if it did it would be allot simpler and less stressful. 40 even 50 is young if you look at it that way. Ill bet hes happy as a clam, and Im sure his new wife is too. Happily Happily ever after...I heard their wedding was almost one of the hits of the season over there. Princess meets Mountain Man (seriously this is a real story, names witheld to protect the innocent)
  • It would depend on whether or not I love him/her rather than his/her age and virginity.
  • there is so many but last night I was watching Blades of GLory and Will Ferrel says "I couldnt love a human baby more than I love this Brush"
  • That was totally WICKED!! From the incredibles.. watched it yesterday :) I also like "What! you pooped in the refrigerator! and ate all the cheese.. well actually im not mad im impressed!" from Anchorman
  • "We'll start the ass-kissing with you!" from Boondock Saints. That movie is FULL of great lines.
  • There are so many: "Why don't you you go back to your home on Whore Island?" - Anchore Man "Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina." - Anchore Man "I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker." - Anchore Man "But my cousin Walter jerked off in public once. True story. He was on a plane to New Mexico when all of the sudden the hydraulics went. The plane started spinning around, going out of control, so he decides it's all over and whips it out and starts beating it right there. So all the other passengers take a cue from him and they start whipping it out and beating like mad. So all the passengers are beating off, plummeting to their certain doom, when all of the sudden, snap! The hydraulics kick back in. The plane rights itself and it land safely and everyone puts their pieces or, whatever, you know, away and deboard. No one mentions the phenomenon to anyone else. " -Mall Rats "That look was so gay. I thought Sam was gonna tell the little hobbits to take a walk so he could saunter over to Frodo and suck his fucking cock. Now *that* would have been an Academy Award worthy ending." -Clerks 2 There are so many more, but meh, you get my point. =P
  • I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast. You eat pieces of shit for breakfast? -Happy Gilmore-
  • The movie, Benchwarmers... When the kid says, "Oh Mylanta!" hahahaha!
  • "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill my father. Prepare to die." "Stop saying that!!!!"
  • "You look like Babe Ruth's gay brother....Gaybe Ruth..." "Well Played, Sir"
  • Among the funniest-From the early Tom Hanks movie "Bachelor Party" The bride's mother as she stares at the male stripper's penis- "Should I call you Nick, or Mr. Dick"
  • Richard Gere in Breathless, talking to his girlfriend who was in College about something she said about William Faulkner: Who is Richard Faulkner, someone you fu**ed?
  • "Shit! Gotcha good, fucker!" from Super Troopers, when Farva gave him the coffee with that bar of soap, HA!
  • "Hey boss, how 'bout some beans?" "I think you boys have had enough!" Blazing Saddles, the campfire scene.
  • so halarious
  • 'God gave us children so we'd have flowers in december' When Bruce Willis talks to his daughter Liv Tyler for the last time in Armegeddon... Its actually quite profound
  • you low life floor flushing sack of shit think i missed a word uncle buck.
  • what should i do with this? i think you should flick it.
  • From Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back: Jay to some random woman- "Hey baby, ever have your asshole liked by a fat man in an overcoat?"
  • hey michael!! how was school today? did you get a lot of homework? why is your coat so big? o guess what, i saw a dog today! have you ever seen a dog? i bet you have. so do you have a friend? do you have a best friend? do they have big coats too?
  • the film Happy Gilmore comes to mind :P Shooter McGavin: Stay out of my way or you'll pay, Listen to what I say. Happy Gilmore: Hey, Why don't I go eat some hay. I can make things out of clay, or lay by the bay, I just may. Whaddya say? Shooter McGavin: I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast. Happy Gilmore: [laughing] you eat pieces of shit for breakfast? Shooter McGavin: No!... I...
  • we lost our jobs..some guys are comin after us.. our pets HEADS ARE FALLIN OFF!
  • -its called cocaine Walk Hard -anybody can get past a dog but nobody f***s with a lion -your shits weak Grandma's Boy -I killed one, Rick... the thing I love most in the world. A hooker. Oh Jesus, you killed a hooker! No, a panda Amanda? dont worry that probably even wasnt her real name Tropic Thunder
  • Roads? Where we're going, we don't need any roads! not really funny, but classic.
  • This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is? Gee, I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky (better off dead) everything in that movie is funny
  • "The Wild Ones" What are you rebelling against? Well, what ya got?
  • An old Red Skelton Movie Buckle on a boot and a boot on a buckle
  • jump...I can't swim! the fall will probably kill ya. name the flick.
  • Napoleon Dynamite - "Your mom goes to college!"

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