• It means that the first lunch or dinner is held between say 6 and 7, then the restaurant is closed temporarily, cleaned and reset, and a second lunch or dinner is served to the next guests between say 7.30 and 8.30. I have only ever seen it on ships.
  • Restaurants may operate in a 2 or three sitting way instead of a constant flow of traffic. Maybe it's a holiday and they have 1 seating at 7:00pm and another at 9:00pm. Many cruise lines operate with 2 sittings of dinner as well. 1st seating is usually early and 2nd seating is usually late.. it just means everyone comes at or about the same time and has dinner at one time.
  • It refers to the second seating for a multicourse dinner. Say, 12 people have reservations for 7 pm, and 12 people have reservations for 9 pm. 7pm is the first seating and 9pm is the second seating.

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