• First and foremost, pay attention to how you play with and punish your kitten. If you are aggressive, your kitten will likely be aggressive back - probably out of playfulness more than meanness. If you kitten bites or claws you, pick him/her up gently at the back of the neck like a mother cat would do and hold him/her there for a few seconds or more till he/she settles down. If he/she doesn't, but him/her in kitty time-out in a large box with no attention. It might sound a bit mean (especially if the kitty has a really cute, pitiful meow), but you don't want to reward the behavior with attention. If your kitten is being more than playful, you should try to figure what is upsetting the kitten and make sure he/she feels safe. Of course, many kittens do grow out of a little bit of aggressiveness. And if your kitten is just playful, just playing with them with cat toys might be enough. Of course, do make note of whether this helps or hurts the general situation. If it backfires and they get worse, stop the playing for awhile. ------------------- Spraying with water can be a good deterrent, as well. However, it is ok to pick up a kitten by the skin fold on the back of their neck if it is done gently and they aren't held there long. Also, I see no reason against putting a kitten in a large cardboard box for a short period of time.
  • When the kitten becomes too agressive, say "No!" firmly, and then just get up and leave for a while and refuse to interact at all. Punishing the kitten will likely make it confused or even more agressive; spraying with water works for some cats but not others. Saying "no" when it does something you don't like and then taking away interaction is something it will figure out soon enough, though.
  • Look at the reason for the aggression. There's fear aggression, play aggression and redirected aggression (that's when something alarms or excites or hurts the cat and it bites down on the nearest thing: you). The easiest of these to address is play aggression, when the kitten doesn't know his own biting strength. Kittens teach each other in play--you'll hear one yowling and hissing when a play fight gets too rough. This is actually good in teaching the other kitten the boundaries. I just brought up a kitten I consider to be an incorrigible biter. These were play bites/redirected aggression bites gone out of control. I avoided playing with him using my hands, but he would bite me--hard-- while I was petting him. So I did three things: 1) I yelled, "OW!" This let him know I didn't like what he was doing. 2) I shoved him away (water didn't work--he'd just stare at me). 3) I stopped playing with or petting him and walked away. It took a very long time, but as he got older, his biting calmed down. I will warn him if he seems to be getting mouthy with me, and he stops. I try to provide things for him to chew on when he just has to put his teeth into something (old cardboard boxes are great for this). And I don't play roughly with him using my hands. All our play is with toys. He's grown into a loving and trusting cat.
  • A kitten, like any other animal will try to be 'above' you. Try avoiding the kitten being able to sit above you. If this happens the kitten will think he/she is the ruler of the kingdom. Second beat the crap out of the kitten untill she/he stops moving. Twitching is a good sign to stop. Afterwards, comfort her/him and let her know its ok. I never did this what so ever and this is a sick thing to do even if you thought about doing this. DONT DO THIS AT ALL!
  • Toss it out a window and let em go?
  • Get another kitten to play with the aggressive one. If the other cat bites your kitten it will know what biting feels like. Humans can't bite cats, but kittens can. Another thing, consider how old the kitten actually is. It might have been taken away from the mother too early. Usually the kittens have their siblings to play with.
  • take her to the vet and find out why shes doing that
  • maybe you should take her to the vet to find out why shes like that

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