• Since I have over 20, and going for a few more this week, I'd say I like them...and piercings also.
  • Some are tasteful and some are tacky but I'd never get one.
  • Usually trashy. If a girl is hot, it ruins them for me. Ass antlers are the worst. "No whore is complete without growing a pair of ass antlers." (For all of you who can't think logically, this does not mean that if you have ass antlers, you are a whore).
  • I love them!! This is my newest one.
  • I love traditional tattoos, but I would never get one done because I can't stand the thought of pain.
  • I love them!
  • I think they're gross, and when you're old, you'll look like a weirdo.
  • Co0lin'
  • I think that they are neither sexy, nor are they distasteful. I do see them as somewhat of a symbolic representation of the person that has it, and I think you can tell a lot about that person's personality in just something so simple as a tattoo.
  • As long as the tattoo is original and means something I think they are awesome
  • Depends on whom or where, but generally distasteful. I think subtlety is the key when it comes to body art.
  • I think tattoos are sexy depending on what they are of and where they are located.
  • Feeling? I have no feelings about tatoos. Thoughts...I think they're dumb. But that's for me. I wouldn't have one. For you, or someone else, that's your choice. Kind of like religion, or political parties or anything else that people feel strongly about and is controversial. Are tats controversial...probably to some. Other than having decided I don't want any, I don't really think much about them either way. I am curious how they will look when the skin gets really old and wrinkled.
  • Depends where they are, I always found the butterfly on the ass/back to be stupid (mostly because when you hit 60 that butterfly is gonna be a deformed dragon) However on most other places their fairly attractive, I have one myself (wolf on upper arm) as long as it isn't something that can transform later in life its fine ;).
  • I have four tattoos. I love all of them, even the one that the color blead out a bit while it was healing. Each one has a special meaning to me. If you can not dig on it, too bad for you.
  • I think it's a bizarre custom. Not as bizarre as perforating your face but right there in the top two. (IMHO)
  • I am tattooed. How I view tattoos (sexy/not sexy) depends on who they are on, what they are of, what part of the body they are on, and how well they are rendered. Beyond whether or not I find the person with it attractive, I don't think that other people's body art is any of my business. I'm certainly not going to judge it (gross, distasteful) or the person.
  • I think a tattoo should be a well thought-out and well placed piece of artwork. It should be original and should say something about the wearer. Someone who wishes to get one should research artists first. A talented artist acclaimed for thier work is always better than el cheapo in the corner of the jail cell. The tattoo should be about 'you'. Names tattooed on your body are extremely distasteful. Especially if you have to cover them later, they sometimes show through the new ink. Acceptable exceptions: *Names of your children. *Tribute to someone close to you who has passed on. *Names of goddesses or gods, something you believe in. A testament to your life. *a tattoo that says "your name" I don't mean the wearers name. The actual words "your name" *(loosely Okay): Names that can be illustrated later into a different tattoo. EX: Angel (You can have 'no' tattoed before it or have an angel tattooed on you by it. Also, you could have 'guardian' written before it) ~~~Well placed, expressional tattoos that are defined by the user as an expression of themselves and have some story are generally sexy. ~~~~ Women sexy places for tattoo: ~~~~~ *ankle *shoulder(one) *back of neck (small) *lower back *front near waistline(small) *side of calf(one) (small) *hip (one)(small) ~~~~~ Men sexy places for tattoo: ~~~~~~~ *upper back *Upper arm(s) *sleeves (one preferably) *chest (small) *abs (defined smewhat) *hands/knuckles (small/letters/limited coloration) Some tattos are sexy.... some are distasteful. Distasteful tattoo examples: *Any mass-posted tattoo such as Goldberg's tribal that is now everywhere. (more lame than distasteful.) *tribal tattoos standing for a group you are not part of or have no idea about. (Pentacles on a Christian, a cross(except an ankh or Celtic cross) on a Wiccan/Pagan. Or facial tattoos symbolic of the Mauri tribe and you are not even related to the Mauri.) *Matching tattoos (more lame than distasteful, unless if is with someone who you have endured a tough trial/time together with and the tattoo is a testament to that) *facial tattoos (*except for those belonging to tribes such as the Mauri.) *tattooes publicly displayed that represent bigotry of ANY sort (such as: Nazi symbols, white supremacy, super religious declaration (which says My god is the only one or any such thing... or all who do not worship as I do are codemned) {religious pride is acceptable, religious arrogance/ignorance is not} Racial arrogance/ignorance is not okay either) * X-rated tattoos that may be in the normal view of children. * Tattoos displaying words that are not acceptable for use in public. Such as N.... even if you are black and it says "what up my N....". It is never acceptable to display this word, I don't care who you are! These are only a few examples. Tattoos can be extremely distasteful or sexy. It isn't either/or. I personally like tattoos. However I really think something so permanent should be well thought out, artfully done, well-placed and it should say 'this is part of who I am'. That is my opinion and I am sticking to it!
  • I suppose I am old-fashioned, even though most people my age have tattoos, but I think they are kind of trashy and they do not make a good first impression most of the time. If someone works in a profession that it will not affect it isn't a big deal, but I wouldn't want to have my heart surgery done by a guy with a snake tattoo on his neck, for example. When you get a tattoo you have to know it is permanent, and if it can be covered up when you want or need it to, again, it is no big deal. I personally do not like tattoos though, and especially do not find them sexy on women.
  • I wouldn't say I thought they were sexy, because I have been disgusted by more than a few out here where I moved. Most of them I think of as works of art on human canvass.
  • i have asked myself this question: "if the mona lisa one day was found with a marking on her face or on any part of her visible body, would there not be a world outcry, people wanting to know who could have done this?" the bible tells us that we each are a masterpiece and a product of Jehovah God's handiwork. psalms 139:14 says "i shall laud you because in a fear inspiring way i am wonderfully made" in the bible we also find a definite command in regards to this practice. leviticus 19:28 says: "and you must not make cuts in your flesh for a deceased soul, and you must not put a tattoo marking upon yourselves. i am Jehovah" as individual works of art it highly displeases the creator to mark something so beautiful as the human body. i used this reasoning with my children and it seems to have worked, at least until now.
  • I like them in general. I've seen some impressive work. Unfortunately, most people get very basic designs and subpar work.
  • Wasn't he the midget guy on Love Boat?
  • I think they cheapen a person's look. They may be cool when you're young, but you're going to get old (young people never realize that!), and they will not look too pretty then. Plus, it will probably hinder a job search or anybody taking your seriously socially (except your own peers if you are young).
  • Personally I think they bring out your personality, so they rule and if i could i would have them all over my body cept maybe in certain places lol
  • Only worth getting if they have deep meaning to you..not cuz you like the newest fad
  • some are cool and very very well done ... some are just plain trashy
  • I like them as long as they have a purpose. Not just something picked off a wall 5 min before getting it done. People don't think sometimes- and end up with tattoos they regret getting. If I ever get one it will be one I think about for years. I want to be sure that I will still like it when I'm old and wrinkly in a nursing home.
  • I quite like tatoos,i think tatoo artists are very talented,those guys on maimi ink are amazing,(although sometimes a body suit doesnt look that appealing to me),unfortunatly I'm too young to get one,I probably will as soon as i turn 18,but not now.
  • I think monocrhomatic tattoos are often quite attractive... but I hate colored tattoos for some reason.
  • I love them..thats why I'm covered in them!
  • I like them when people put a lot of thought into the design they've chosen. It should have some meaning, and shouldn't be picked off the wall 10 minutes before it's done. I'd like to have one, but since I haven't yet decided on the design, it hasn't happened. Even when I've decided, and know what I want, I'm still going to wait awhile before getting it done to make sure I don't change my mind. I'll probably have someone draw it out for me, and then I'll put it somewhere where I can see it everyday for a few months. If at the end of that time I still like it, and don't want to change it at all, then I'll get it done.
  • some look artistic and cool, some look like tramp stamps. If i thought I could handle the pain, I'd love to get a barcode somewhere. Alas, I'm a weakling ;-)
  • i love'em! i got my 1st not too long took me awhile to get up the nerve and yup~it hurt as bad as i thought it ~~still glad i did it, though~~
  • Too permanent for me,although some of the artwork is nice.
  • They are addictive! I have 3 and am ready for more. I agree with what other people are saying just depends, they can be really cool or really "trashy".
  • I have some friends that like tatoos. Maybe my friend went here to get some ideas about tattoos: Could this unicorns be some f my distant relatives?:
  • I love 'em, (as long as it's not full coverage. I don't have any yet, but soon, I definitely will!
  • They can be removed...
  • I have a small tattoo. Dont mind little ones, especially when they;re there to symbolize something important to you.
  • they are nice i have 6 tatoos. the only ones i dont like are the ones where people get there face done like a cat. ones that are all over and you see no skin are not good tatoos. they went way overboard on them.
  • They're okay. I don't personally want one..but if other people do that's fine.
  • I don't like them for myself, but I have some friends that have small ones that have important meanings to them, and I think that is great. I don't like it shen they cover huge areas of someone's body.
  • people are always saying that having a tattoo makes you an individual, yet so many people have them. not that i dont like them, just that sometimes people have tremendouse logic flaws when choosing tattoos. i dont want to have a penis with swords through it on me when im 80.

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