• I think it can be a lot of things. Sometimes parents use it as an excuse to turn their kids into zombies. Some teachers stink, and use the excuse to explain why lots of kids fail their classes. And some teachers care and can recognize the problem: some people actually have this problem and DO need help and possibly medication. Personally, I need an ADD medication, and I can tell you honestly that I am barely functional without it.
  • A little of both. I have it even though girls aren't suppost too. I never took any drugs for it because they didn't diagnose me til I was too old for the pills to work and they figured it out a month before graduation. So I had to discipline myself to learn. But I have seen teachers use it on kids who just need their butts whoopped because it's the only avenue left them to get the kid back under control. That's why you see whole classes lined up at lunch for their dope.
  • Personally I think it's a load of crap. When I was a kid there was no sich thing (at least not so well 'known')but we went and played outside after school until it was dinner time. I didn't have video games and cable so we played and played hard. By the time we came home we were ready for bed, and as far as acting out in school....My parents beat that crap right outta me.
  • Some Children DO have Attention Deficit Disorder - look at their home life for some - More should be blamed on the Parents not so much the Teachers
  • ADD is an artifical diagnosis that corrupt drug manufactures have capitalized on tremendously. All children and adults "suffer" from ADD to a certian degree. Although many doctors would disagree, if used correctly, homeopathics have been a consistent remedy for supressing ADD. "There are no bad students, only bad teachers!"
  • It's WAY over diagnosed. I have a friend who actually has it (out of school now), and he couldn't listen to more than 10 words at a time when you talked to him. If our grandparents survived without ADHD meds, then there's no need to put our children in a 'chemical straight-jacket' as Dr. Michael Weiner puts it. READ THIS Then there's always that quote by the creators. It goes something like this, "The medicine was a great success. We gave it to the puppies, and the puppies stopped playing." The person who first came up with ADD has recently gone back and said he's made a huge mistake.
  • ADD is a real disorder. At first, I refused to believe it was anything but an excuse that society uses to allow mediocre achievement in school-- even after my wife had my son diagnosed with it. Not until I tried to teach my son some simple math when he was younger and saw I nearly brought him to tears did I realize it is more than just ADD he had but some learning issues. He has struggled with both all his life. As he has gotten older he has gotten better with it but he still struggles with it in school. It's not a thing about teachers or an excuse to explain away troubled kids. My son is kind, quiet and a good person -- not rowdy or obnoxious so it's not an excuse. In fact, we have had problems with some teachers (most have been great) who refused to believe my son was ADD or had learning issues since he was so ashamed of it and acted otherwise what he thought was "normal" and they were hard on him. I've had him come home and say that he wishes he was smart like the other kids and kids would make fun of him because he had to go to Resource clases while they sat in regular classes. My wife and I have had to work with his self esteem for years and it is much better. To tell you that an ADD person can overcome through adversity, my son just made the honor role at his high school. He did it by his own determination and I'm extremely proud of him!
  • I think your question is misstated. ADD doesn't *HELP* anyone. Being diagnosed with it (properly) can help, but it is WAY over diagnosed and kids who don't just sit down and color for 5 hours straight and watch tv are being diagnosed with ADD and ADHD. It's rediculous. Children should be playing and being ACTIVE. It's an excuse for *SOME* parent's and teacher's incompetence. I honestly know a few parents that if it were legal, I'd smack the crap out of them for doing that to their children.
  • Your question makes no sense. For one thing, having ADD includes doing things impulsively, memory loss,etc. ADD does not help kids do well in school. For me, it takes me hours to complete my homework and remembering information. ADHD is a real disorder. Some teachers may use that as an excuse for their incompetence.

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