• Because Jack is the nickname for John; i.e. "Jack Kennedy". It comes from the French name "Jaques", which is the same name as "John" in English. Edit in response to tattoohead: Way back in 1066 AD England was conquered by french-speaking Normans. For hundreds of years after that, England was a bilingual nation; they spoke both French and English. That is how "John" and "Jaques" came to be interchangeable. Most people assume that if you are called "Jack", your real name is "John". This will be a problem for you for the rest of your life, especially in formal situations. On stuff like school diplomas, wedding invitations, even your obituary in the newspaper, your name will likely be printed as "John". I feel sorry for you.
  • This was just a conversation I had earlier with some friends. I have the same question. To clarify the last answer, the french translation for John is Jean. And the french name Jacques (pronounced similiar to Jack) is the name James in English.
  • because they is senile and or stupid. just like if one more fool calls me Dick, i am going to carve Richard in their forehead with an ice pick!
  • Ever ask yourself why you didn't ask them if you are really that curious?

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