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  • No. I'll say that again: NO! Although acne is related to the production of the hormone testosterone in the body, masturbating or having sex has no impact on acne. There is also the reverse myth which states that celibacy also causes acne! This is not true either. This belongs right up there with the classic myths about masturbation causing blindness/hair loss/impotence or whatever dire consequence you can think of, none of which are true. Stress, however, DOES have the potential to cause acne. So stop worrying about it!
  • No. Acne is caused by a combination of dead skin cells and a skin oil called sebum clogging up pores in the skin (causing whiteheads). They can then combine with bacteria (causing pimples) and/or dirt (causing blackheads). Obviously, good hygeine is still important no matter where your hands are touching in your spare time. For more info on causes and treatment:
  • no, it should not increase horomones
  • no. never heard of that. maybe a sprained wrist.
  • It actually might help it. And think of the good feelings you will have testing the theory! :)
  • HA HA HA HA, Is this for real? No it has nothing to do with acne. This question has been dug out of the archives! it was posted june 2005. LOL. but the answer is still no. thanks for the chuckle anyway!
  • yes it can it can cause your testosterone(a hormone) to increase resulting in unbalanced hormones causeing a increse in oil causing bacteria which clogs pores and what not causing acne
  • Yes it does...believe it or not . i'll tell you why! because when some 1 hit pubirty too early it will result in wasting a lot of natural vitamins found in the when you masturbate it will cause lack of vitamins and hormone inbalance and due to that your body produces too much sebum (hormone inbalance) and maybe get adult acne (lack of vitamins) ! The best advise i can offer is that you stop doing it for 3 weeks and the results will be seen,trust me :) and for your acne,i advise u to try natural supplements Just give it a try,it will worth your time :P
  • hasn't for me
  • Yes, it can... having an orgasm causes your prostate to secrete more of the hormone DHT (a byproduct of testosterone) into the bloodstream. DHT triggers oil glands to be more active, increasing the amount of facial/body oil secreted. This creates a greater chance for acne bacteria to form under the skin. It won't affect everyone in the same way, but yes, masturbation can lead to acne for those specific reasons.

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