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  • The physical effects will be similar to those of second hand cigarette smoke, although mental effects may also occur due to the cannabinoids that are present in the smoke.
  • Since this article focuses only on tobacco use, I guess I'll never know.
  • Well how he is affected would depend on the amount of smoking going on and how he is exposed. If his father is smoking a bowl while hes building a puzzle with your son there is definite cause for concern. Although I believe marijuana is inherently safer than tobacco or alcohol this doesn't change the fact that many of the carcinogens found in cigarette smoke can be found in pot smoke (thats what happens when you burn something afterall). So if we are talking about an enviroment where there is toking throughout the day and he spends extended periods of time there then I could imagine there would be adverse effect on his lungs perhaps similiar to secondhand cig inhalation. I can be sure that his being exposed to pot smoke from a young age certainly won't help any part of his development. He could also experience contact buzzes if hes in proximity of any smoking, being 4 yrs old and a little guy could mean it wouldnt take too much to make him feel a little weird. I wouldn't necessarily say the fact he could get high would be harmful to his physical health, although it might not be something you want your 4 yr old being exposed to. Either way an enviroment where your 4 yr old is not being exposed to pot smoke is preferable for a number of reasons besides health concerns.
  • I've been in contact with our son, who is the grandfather of the 8 month old baby in question. He has noticed this, I'm afraid, and his wife has also. But since there are days in a row that this baby acts perfectly normal we just didn't know what to think. Then when he saw both of the little one's parents stoned he told me about it. That's when we started wondering if the second hand smoke could be causing the spaciness that many family members, not the parents I reckon, have noticed so strongly. I promised him that I would pass on any information I found out here. So for the sake of this baby -- if you know something please pass this information on to me. We just want to help her. With the proper answers we can then approach the parents. Am waiting prayerfully for your replies! Thank you, pricehiya
  • In my opinion anyone under 18 should not be inhaling smoke of any type, their brain is still at a crucial developing stage. This is a hard one to answer. There really hasn't been any studies on this... the U.S. government has a monopoly on marijuana in our country, and many others have similar problems blocking their research(a reason to end prohibition.) If the smoke is clearly being inhaled because you are either right next to the smoker or are in a very small room with them then you may be effected. • The longest study of its type has shown even heavy long-term marijuana use to have no connection with lung cancer. • As to the mental health aspect of cannabis, the only individuals who could be affected are people who are predisposed to mental health problems.
  • I can't say I know for sure, but I teach inner city elementary children, and you can see a difference in the ones that you know that there is drug use in the home. My sister has been doing drugs in front of her 2 children (2 and 3), and I called children's services. Those kids can not defend themselves against something that could be potentially harmful to them...I hope that helps even the tiniest bit!
  • An often-mentioned danger of marijuana smoking so widely believed, the smokers themselves point it out all the times that it supposedly kills brain cells. Courtesy the National Drug Intelligence Center, U.S.A. Yet a new study has found the opposite: that one of marijuana's active ingredients actually helps produce new brain cells, while apparently reducing anxiety. Its part of a double whammy of good news for pot lovers, as another study has found that marijuana smoke is less carcinogenic than cigarette smoke. None of this establishes that pot smoking is safe. Some past studies have found it produces notable memory impairments, although there is debate over how long these last. Nonetheless, the new findings contain good news for the medical marijuana movement, chirped a press release from the Journal of Clinical Investigation, which is publishing the study on new brain cells. Most drugs of abuse decrease the generation of new neurons [cells] in the brain, the statement continued. But the study by Xia Zhang and colleagues from University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, found that rats getting regular doses of an artificial version of a potent marijuana ingredient grew new brain cells faster than other rats. The new cells grew in the hippocampus, a brain area associated with emotional expression and some aspects of memory formation. The rats also exhibited less anxiety- and depression- like behavior after a month of the treatment, the study found. The findings are to appear in the journals November issue. The second, separate study found marijuana smoke is less carcinogenic than tobacco smoke. Robert J. Melamede of the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs found that although cannabis smoke and tobacco smoke are chemically very similar, evidence suggests that their effects are very different, said a statement from BioMed Central, publishers of the Harm Reduction Journal. The findings appeared Monday in the journal. The pharmacological effects of tobacco and cannabis smoke differ in many ways, mainly because tobacco smoke contains nicotine while cannabis smoke contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The cancer-promoting effects of smoke are increased by nicotine, while they are reduced by THC. Tobacco and cannabis smoke contain the same carcinogenic compounds and depending on which part of the plant is smoked, cannabis smoke can contain more of them but, whereas nicotine activates these carcinogenic compounds, THC has been shown to inhibit them in mice cells. THC is very likely to have protective effects against the carcinogens present in smoke in humans too, but cannabis smoke remains nonetheless carcinogenic. 420 Magazine PO Box 3420 Hollywood, CA 90078 Creating Cannabis Awareness Since 1993
  • I don't know. But could marijuana show in your system if you don't smoke but be a round
  • My surmise is that the second part of a famous Zen saying applies - to wit - those who don't know, say.
  • I was about to say what Moms4Marijuana was saying. Also, I would be quick to dismiss what Kimberly said about someone doing drugs in front of children (ie: she didn't say any facts about marijuana smoke on children, and didn't list the drugs in question). Some purported effects: tar in smoke: cannabis smoke contains more tar but is generally smoked in less amounts than cigarettes (like one joint for a few people vs two or three cigarettes per person) in children it shows up differently. I read an article in a science magazine saying that the normally short term effects of memory loss and sloth in adults is longer lasting in children (under twenty approx because of brain development) I wish I could find the article to prove my point. Wikipedia proves to be amazing (if you don't trust the info on wiki, always check the sources at the bottom to verify):
  • Hmmmm, I have several sometimes incoherent thoughts about second hand marijuana smoke...which I eventually get to, but first; some tangents: I do not currently smoke, or use marijuana, but in the past I have both consumed and grown marijuana and am still very much pro CHOICE when it comes to it's use. That said I have found a few things based on *my* experience with the drug over a 10 year period from 16-26, 5 of which were with daily use. A. Emotional: Initially it helped treat and subdue feelings of depression and anxiety, but with continued daily use of I found that feelings of anxiety, paranoia and depression actually increased. After stopping use for a week or longer these feelings would stabilize, but return with subsequent use. I also found that motivation was hampered. Any plans in place prior to use would usually be postponed or altogether missed due to lethargy. B. Physical: With continued daily use I became prone to bronchial and sinus infections with prolonged flu-like symptoms lasting months at a time. Eventually this led to chronic asthma. Fatigue and lethargy run rampant. C. Mental: I developed speech impairments due to word confusion, loss of focus and memory. Although some of this can be attributed to age these symptoms where -far- more pronounced during use. I have not regained full functioning, but the condition has greatly improved with abstinence. Knowing these effects, I would still think it a wiser choice over some of the medications used for pain. That said, I suggest to ingest, and not inhale, and to use with moderation. If you choose to inhale, please keep in mind that CHOICE also applies to your housemates, guests, children and neighbours. They too deserve a choice to clean air. Second hand smoke from marijuana is not only as, if not more, toxic as second hand smoke from cigarettes but contains far more lung coating tar, has a pungent smell that can bother non-smokers, and lingers longer. If chemicals are used in growth, drying and transportation keep in mind that they may be more harmful than *natural* products as they are unregulated. (Imported pot is doused in chemicals to reduce smell and add weight to product) OK, back to choice. In open air smoke rises and dissipates. In closed spaces in infuses into its surroundings...including other people and pets. This may be contained in a house, but becomes part of the air circulation in an apartment building, seeping into other's homes, their lungs, their children's lungs. Pro-pot advocators (as opposed to pro-choice) may claim that THC, the component in marijuana that causes the *high* is a safe substance that causes no ill. This may be true of THC, but marijuana has many more components that just THC. Smoking THC, the other components of marijuana plus any added chemicals causes the substance to become TOXIC. -Any- type of smoke is a carcinogen, but as it infiltrates the air around you, it becomes a toxin that you readily share with those that share that air with you. Are they knowledgeable and consensual users of this second hand smoke? Choose Free CHOICE, not just yours, but that for ALL around you. Smoke outdoors in well ventilated areas away from non-smokers and children. Consider ingesting instead of inhaling, purchase or grow organic, medicinal grade marijuana, promote legalizing CHOICE, KNOWLEDGE, and RESPONSIBILITY! Fair thee well, safe and free.
  • pot really can't cause you any harm... sure, it slows you down after constant use.. but it's more of a gateway drug.. second hand smoke really shouldn't do anything to your child.. they won't get addicted, if anything.. they could get tired. or just outrageously laugh.. no moterskills would be affected or anything.. if you try looking it up online, all your going to find is negative things on it. i mean, alot of these websites are ran by higher authorities, so you might see symtoms that actually won't be there.. but unless your hot boxing a room.. or your childs directly up to your face breathign it in.. they shouldn't be affected.. unless they know it's suppolse to make them feel.. "funny" then they'll be children and pretend.
  • just gettin HIGH.... especially if its sum nigerian shit,,.. TRUSTTT
  • Please someone WHO knows the FACTS leave an answer....does it show up in their urine or blood? How long does it stay....? I want my grand daughter tested ! Her mother is crazy....has been smoking and I knew that she has been...I don't smoke anything and can smell the smoke and know the difference in the odor of just smoke. The smell is so different. It stinks badly on Clothes and my grand daughters clothes and diaper bag is terrible. I have to wash it and her when she comes in right away. I NEED FACTS>>>>>> !!!!!!!!!!!! Kelly
  • Being in the same room as someone smoking marijuana can make others seem "high"and just like regular ciarettes can do lung damage;especially in children.
  • You morons seriously don't think smoking pot has any affect on a child? They are breathing in second hand smoke! This will get into their lungs and cause respiratory problems. You should never smoke pot near a child. They shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of your stupid actions. They are young, helpless children. WAH!
  • the effects will only be temporarily, most people who are exposed to it are only effected for mere days, It does show up in toxicology as I found out first hand. Many years ago I had to have a Hysterectomy, I traveled many miles to the city that would preform the operation, I had my Driver, a gal pal and her friend with me along the trip, While we were in our hotel room my friend and Her friend smoked a Couple of Joints. I never knew the effects of being in the same room as them smoking it. I therefor went for my blood work before my surgury the next morning. Only to be told I was getting kicked out of the hospital for waisting their time, ( they thought I was a pot smoker) My blood work came back positive testing for Smoking Mariguana, I WAS SO UPSET, I had waited four years for this surgury. I told them what had happend. if My friends hand not attested to the fact It was not me, and my OWN medical records show I Cant smoke pot, I get very ill, I would not have had my surgury. so in simplicity You can be effected by what others do around you even as for smoking a joint or cigarette thank you for taking the time to read Miss Anni
  • can second hand weed make ur test come up positive

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