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  • Premature ejaculation is an embarrassing condition characterized by the act of ejaculation earlier than is wanted by you or your partner. According to the Mayo Clinic, upwards of one in three men may be affected by this condition. Thankfully, there are several ways men can make it less frequent or even stop it entirely.


    According to the National Institute of Health, premature ejaculation is most often caused by psychological factors, often due in part to anxiety. In some cases, though rare, biological factors may be causing the condition.

    Sexual Treatment

    According to the Mayo Clinic, masturbating an hour or two before intercourse may help, as can suppressing the urge to ejaculate by lightly squeezing the head of the penis where it joins the shaft.

    Medical Treatment

    A variety of medical treatments may help as well. Anti-depressants such as fluoxetine and sertraline can often cause a delayed orgasm, while the application of a numbing cream such as an anesthetic to the penis may help reduce the sensitivity and delay ejaculation.


    if the condition is due to a psychological issue such as anxiety, psychotherapy or sexual therapy may help you overcome the issue.

    Side Effects

    If you take medications such as anti-depressants for premature ejaculation, side effects may occur. According to the Mayo Clinic, common side effects of anti-depressants include nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and a decreased libido.


    Mayo Clinic: Premature Ejaculation

    Medline Plus: Premature Ejaculation

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