• Squirrels are cute little animals. But despite their small size, they can cause a lot of damage to your property. They are members of the rodent family. Squirrels have adapted easily to humans and often use buildings and attics as their homes. They chew to make holes through things to gain access. They also chew to sharpen or clean their teeth. Luckily, there are several ways to combat these little nuisances.

    Trapping the Squirrels

    You can start by trapping and relocating the squirrels. You can purchase traps that are designed specifically for squirrels. Place the traps near the area they have been caught chewing your plastic shutters. Once you have caught a squirrel, you should relocate it. Put at least 10 miles between your home and the squirrel. This will minimize the chance of the squirrel returning.

    Simple Solutions

    Habanera sauce or Ropel spray will prevent the squirrels from chewing. Just put the sauce or spray the Ropel on your shutters. Hang peppermint-oiled cotton balls from old, sheer pantyhose. Place the pantyhose over the shutters. The smell of mint helps repel squirrels. You also can hang a Slinky toy from your shutters. The bouncing springs tend to frighten squirrels.


    Professional Wildlife Removal: Squirrel Control & Removal

    Maryland Department of Natural Resources: Living With Squirrels

    The Dirt Doctor: Squirrels

    More Information:

    Havahart: Squirrel Traps

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