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  • If you have a reason to distrust your husband, or believe you do, then you might want to spy on him to uncover the truth about a particular aspect of his life. If you suspect he is having an affair or has begun involving himself with something else he shouldn't, then there are a number of ways to find out. But before you begin, make sure your feelings about this issue are strong enough--since invading his privacy for no reason could potentially do irreparable harm to your relationship.

    Online Spying

    With the use of personal computers so widespread, there's a good chance of finding proof or reference to any dishonest activity, either in your husband's email, online chat software or websites he visits. By purchasing spying software, you will be able to see everything he does online, according to Purchase and install one of several different types of spying software on his computer and you may see actual screen shots taken at a chosen interval when he is logged in, or you may get a list of every website he sees and every word he has typed that day. All of this information can be emailed to you daily or you can log in to a secure site to access the information.


    Surveillance is a natural part of spying and it is likely that you want to see some proof of your husband's activity with your own eyes. Seeing is believing, as is often said. Rent or borrow a car and don't be afraid to use a disguise. Go to a wig shop and change to a blonde if you have dark hair or go dark brown if you are a blonde or redhead. You may even consider changing the gender of your appearance with beards or other disguises, but do not become obvious by using ridiculous-looking costumes. If your husband comes home late from work with excuses you do not believe, next time simply park near his work and follow him wherever he goes from a distance. If he goes home, just go back to a trustworthy friend's house, change clothes and take your own car back home with some fast food as if you have just run out for a moment. Use caution if you plan to conduct surveillance activities on your own. Depending on the nature of your husband's activities, getting physically involved in the surveillance could be dangerous. Do not risk injury to yourself or your relationship by carelessly taking on this task. Hire a professional private investigator (PI) if there is any significant risk. Find a PI by looking up professionals in your area in the phone book or online. If you know someone who has hired a PI before and they were satisfied with the results, then consider going to the same agency. Be sure that your investigator is licensed if your state requires it and demand that you get a contract that describes what results you expect and what you will pay for them, according to Advanced Surveillance Group. Ask the PI if he carries liability insurance since any property he may damage while doing his work could leave you exposed in court since you were the one who hired him.


    If you would like to invest a couple of hundred dollars in your spying efforts, get a global positioning system (GPS) box to attach to the bottom of your husband's vehicle, according to Track his whereabouts precisely from the comfort of your own home computer. Log in according to the manufacturer's instructions and a map will appear that shows the exact location of your husband's car. If he is supposed to be in Atlanta on a business trip, but his car is in a neighborhood across town overnight, then you have the option to go where he is or confront him about his whereabouts when he returns.

    Be Prepared

    Be prepared for what you may discover when spying on a spouse. Imagine the most upsetting thing you may find out and think about how you might respond. If your response is not something you are prepared to deal with, it may be better to hire a private investigator to handle it for you.


    E-Spy Software Online: Catch Cheating Spouses

    Future Scopes: How to Spy on a Cheating Husband With Software and Gadgets

    Advanced Surveillance Group: Hiring a Private Investigator

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