• A barcode is a computer-generated graphic consisting of lines of different widths representing numbers that represent products. Retail stores use barcodes to facilitate inventory and checkout via a standardized system for tracking items. If you are a manufacturer, you might need to change a barcode if you are reorganizing inventory or rebranding your product. To do so, you must update your own information and the information at the accounts you service in order to reflect the change.

    About Barcodes

    All barcodes are assigned by a central agency called GS1. Standard barcodes consist of 11 digits. The first digit identifies the category of your product, such as pharmacy or food. The next five digits are your unique company identification number, which are assigned by GS1 once you become a member. Once you have been assigned your company number, use the next six digits to assign numbers to each of your products. The final digit is a verification number based on the previous 11 digits. Once you begin distributing your products to retail outlets, you must provide the outlets with information that enables them to input your barcode information into their systems in ways that enable them to track your products.

    Changing Barcodes

    To change the barcode on a product, you first need to change it in your company's system. Assign your product a different number out of the 100,000 options provided by the six digits that you have available to use for your products. Use barcoding software or work with a company that generates barcodes to create a barcode graphic that matches your new number. Inform the accounts where you distribute your products that you are changing the barcode on your product and provide the accounts with the information they need in order to input the updated information into their inventory and checkout systems.

    Source: UPC FAQ

    GS1 FAQ

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