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  • For centuries, methods have existed to ensure a baby will be a specific gender. From ancient Chinese tradition to modern medicine, there are a number of options for choosy potential parents.

    Preconceptual Gender Selection

    Preconceptual gender selection is simply a blanket term to refer to a number of techniques and practices designed to ensure a specific gender is conceived, instead of it being simply up to chance.

    "Traditional" Methods

    Fertility is a popular subject in old wives tales. Most are simply tips that can increase the likelihood of pregnancy, while others are more specific, regarding foods eaten by either partner, what side of the bed they sleep on, or who is first to orgasm.

    Chinese Pregnancy Calendar

    An ancient Chinese method of gender prediction is based in astrology. The chart is lunar-based and bases the prediction on the age of the mother at the time of conception, as well as the month of conception.

    Scientific Methods

    Science also offers solutions to gender determination. The MicroSort system uses a special dye solution and a laser to sort sperm. Female sperm, being larger, will light up brighter in the solution. Also, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) allows determination of the sex, among other attributes, of an embryo before implantation using in-vitro fertilization.


    Preconceptual gender selection can be controversial, especially with PGD. Some worry populations may begin to lean disproportionately towards males or females, or that with PGD, gender or potential medical conditions may not be the only screening criteria.



    Oxford Journal of Medicine/Human Reproduction

    More Information:

    Chinese Pregnancy Calendar

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