• no, if the bullet never enters no damage done., all entry wounds have some evidence to matter wat... by the way PUT THE GUN DOWN
  • Not likely... If someone kills themself with a rifle or shotgun thier head is blown all over the place... To see what I mean look up they have old crime scene photos of suicides & stuff its really gross... Anyway getting back to the quesiton... If you shoot yourself with a rifle you gotta be holding the sucker... Otherwise someone else was holding the rifle when the vic got shot...
  • Yes - a .243 round is a small bullet with a large cartridge containing a lot of gun powder. When fired, the bullet is traveling with such velocity that the explosive force from the muzzle can cause unbelievable damage at close range. The explosion creating the exit wound could obliterate the entry wound. While I can not give details, I can tell you that I have worked a .243 suicide personally, and would not have believed it had I not been there myself to see the results.
  • it would of blown part of the head apart

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