• Finding the registered user of a cell phone, while difficult, can be accomplished by several different methods. There are two likely instances in which you would need to determine the registered user of a cell phone. One is if you've discovered a lost phone and you're attempting to return it, and another is if you have received a call from an unidentifiable cell phone number and you wish to learn the identity of the caller.

    Lost and Found

    If you're attempting to locate the owner of a lost cell phone, it's important to first check with the cell phone provider. A cell phone store can identify the user of the phone based on information saved to the SIM card every cell phone has. Many cell phone providers will even offer to take responsibility of returning the phone to the registered user, as they have access to the buyer's personal contact information. If you would prefer to skip the trip to the cell phone store, try calling some of the recent numbers in the cell phone's call history and asking the user's friends and relatives for advice on how to contact the cell phone owner.

    Unidentified Number

    If you've received a call from a cell phone number with no identifying information on it and you'd like to learn the identity of the caller, the Internet should be your first option. Simply searching a cell phone number on a search engine can often turn up enough helpful clues to begin ascertaining the identity of the phone user. For example, if you search a number and it turns up a company name online, you can than contact the company and try to see who was attempting to contact you and why. There are also payable number search options online, though most of them work the same search parameters and sources as regular search engines, and may therefor not be considered worth the price. If you are unable to determine the user online, you can try identifying the cell phone provider and contacting them directly. Employees of cell phone companies are unlikely to give out the identities of their registered users, but they may be able to tell you what region the call originated from, which could prove a valuable clue.


    Cell Phone Number Look Up

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