• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Safe operation poses no hazard to most

    The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that proper care, maintenance and operation of electric blankets should pose no hazard to most consumers. This includes laying the blanket out flat and untucked, keeping pets or additional coverings off the blanket and careful inspection of wiring, plugs or connectors.

    On the Other: Increased risks for some

    The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that improper use of electric blankets can result in skin burns. The Commission regularly receives reports of skin burns from electric blankets and has recalled many brands of electric blankets because of injuries or malfunctions. Additionally, Harvard's Joslin Diabetes Center reports that patients with nerve damage---especially diabetics---should avoid electric blankets because of increased risks of skin damage.

    Bottom Line

    Electric blankets can damage skin tissue, especially for patients with nerve damage. Folded or tucked electric blankets, blankets with other coverings or pets on top of them, or improperly maintained electric blankets will overheat and burn skin.


    Consumer Product Safety Commission: Electrical Checklist (bedroom)

    Consumer Product Safety Commission: Recall information

    Joslin Diabetes Center: Diabetic neuropathy

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