• Provisioning is the act of controlling the distribution of a resource. Money, food, time and information can all be provisioned. If a concept or object can be controlled and distributed, it can be provisioned.

    Provisioning Food

    Food provisioning is when food is stored for later use. This occurs commonly in the animal kingdom. When squirrels store acorns in the ground in the fall to eat in the winter, they are provisioning the acorns.

    Provisioning in a Contract

    A provision in a contract is a clause that details what will happen if a given action occurs. A provision in a contract is demonstrating an idea, or object, that will be distributed upon execution of the contract.

    Provisioning In Telecommunication

    In the information technology business, provisioning is the inclusion of providing all of the parts necessary to complete a transfer of information. Examples of parts would be equipment, wiring and data transmission.

    Provisioning Money

    Money is provisioned when it is stored away for later use. When you place money in a savings account at a bank, you are saving it for later use.

    Provisioning Energy

    A runner can provision energy for a race by acquiring the proper amount of sleep the night before the race.

    Source: What is Provisioning? Higher Provisioning May Hit Bank Funding, Fear Realtors Maternal Food Provisioning in Relation to Condition-Dependent Offspring Odours in Burrower Bugs

    More Information:

    Provision Definition

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