• Yes, the wrong dosage or incorrct drug can harm or kill, generic or not. Over 100,000 deaths per year from prescription drugs.
  • ANY drug can potentially kill a person if they have a severe allergic reaction to it, take too much or take it with some other drugs which cause a fatal outcome. But most doctors will allow for use of a generic if it is available due to the savings in cost and also because the generics on the market for most drugs are as good quality wise as the "brand names" for those drugs. A person can die from a bee sting, also do to an allergic reaction. The same is true with prescribed medications. There should be no fear of taking generic drugs. Just follow instructions, and if there are any side effects or odd feelings or symptoms, call the doctor, pharmacist, or if serious, call 911, as you would with any other medication you might take.
  • A generic drug is identical to a brand name drug just they do niot have the same name or packaging Alan read the link I have included Generic just means the real name of the drug
  • What is a generic doctor prescription drug? You've lost me.
  • Do you mean can generic drugs kill you? No they are just made by different manufacturers, with same ingredients as brand name
  • Any prescription drug can kill you. Not just a generic one. If you have a known allergy, make sure your doctor knows about it to make sure a name brand or generic drug doesn't contain what you are allergic to.
  • Any drug can kill given enough of it. Generic prescription only drugs are used as cheaper alternatives for doctors to prescribe - saves on their budget.

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