• High blood pressure (HBP), or hypertension, is categorized by the "American Heart Association" as any individual who's untreated systolic and diastolic pressure is 140 over 90 or higher. Hypertension is called "The Silent Killer" because noticeable symptoms of the condition don't present themselves until it is too late and a hypertensive crisis occurs. Very HBP is a reading of 180 over 110 or higher and is considered a hypertensive crisis, requiring immediate medical attention. The causes of high and very high blood pressure are exactly the same, which is why monitoring your blood pressure is important.

    Family History

    High blood pressure often runs in families. If your grandfather and father had high blood pressure, chances are, so will you. It is also common for it to sporadically skip a generation, or effect one sibling and not the other.


    The risk of hypertension increases with age. It is more prevalent in men, though after menopause, women are more susceptible to the condition.


    The chemicals in cigarettes can damage the artery wall lining, causing them to narrow, increasing blood pressure. Cigarettes trigger an immediate spike in blood pressure every time you light up.

    Obesity and Being Overweight

    You need more oxygen and nutrients supplied to your tissues if you are overweight or obese. Your heart has to pump a high volume of blood through your vessels, causing blood pressure to rise.

    Chronic Conditions

    Diabetes, kidney disease and high cholesterol are among the leading causes of high blood pressure among adults over age 20, according to the American Heart Association.


    Mayo Clinic Website

    American Heart Association

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