It isn't, unless she let him go out clubbing with out her. Fair is fair.
No. I wouldn't want to go anywhere without my partner.
Its not ok for a woman to go clubbing without her husband. NOT AT ALL.
In my experience, it is not the best thing, unless the woman is with a close group. That is pretty common now. But, if she goes alone, is usually indicating she is "looking for something".
It is a matter of trust. I would be far more concerned if I didn't trust my wife to do things on her own. Ultimately, if she were going to abuse my trust, she could find plenty of opportunities to do that, so I need to trust her and she me. . We all need a break from time to time, a cnace to be by ourselves or just a change of scenery.
It's very ok indeed. He's her husband, not her keeper.
I see nothing wrong with a woman going out clubbing. Just because one is married doens't mean they are dead ;o)
Depends on who you ask.
its not okay. Trust me I'm a doctor I know what I'm talking about.
If she's alone, it's probably MAN SHOPPING. With her friends, it's just her LETTING OFF STEAM.
It ok.We can also vote now too! ;)
if her husband goes out with his friends, she is entitled to go out with hers.
just be sensible. men have problems with it because of what can happen to their girls. its nothing about trust. not for me anyway.
It's OK with me. This is something between her and her husband.
yes as long as shes with her girl friends
IF its with friends shes fine. I got out sometimes when hubsand was home, specially before his deployment since there was alot of stress. He went to the strip club, i went to clubs or shopping. just depends on how much trust you got with each other. We never came home with any random person. Both came home at about the same time, if not wed call and say so. We wouldnt come home trashed either. If i do go out alone its typically cloth shopping for him, food shopping or just errands and hes not required to be attached to my hip for all that. Unless he wants to play dress up when he needs clothes.
Well I only let my girlfriend out of her cage to go to the bathroom, so I don't think I can answer this question.
That's could cause a lot of problem,especially with jealous husbands.
In both my marriages it isn't/wasn't a problem at all.
Ummm not ok to go clubbing - club = meat market soo very wrong - but a night out with the girls having drinks - ok - no married women needs to be a club - im a chick, not married long term boyfriend and i NEVER go to clubs without him
perfectly ok.
its ok for her to do it now and then. if she does it all the time, it means she would rather be somewhere else than with him. there is nothing wrong with getting some time out having fun with her friends. my wife does it frequently, but she still wants to make love when she comes home.
I think it is putting temptation right in your face. I personally don't think it's a good idea for either sex. However, we live in quite liberal times so if both people are okay with it then it's okay.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. +5
You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille. Four hungry kids and a crop in the field. You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille.
If she's going with friends, ok. Alone, not so ok. A person who refuses to let their spouse go anywhere without them is too jealous and possessive. But I would have to be suspicious of a woman who was going clubbing alone.
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