as long at it does come around and go around. Like money, or a cartoon.
Because no one wants to admit their own guilt.
Because everyone is a hypocrite.
LOL. That is what makes human beings so flawed. We tend to point the finger instead of looking at the three pointing back at us.
I don't believe I do that. I hold myself rigorously to the same standards I expect of others. If not higher. +4
i don't do that. but for the sake of arguement i did. i would blame an invisable being who make people do bad things through temptation or sometimes through possessions.
When you say "we" I think you must be talking about yourself. I do not make excuses for myself when I am wrong, and I do not have very high expectations for others.
What fun would that be
because yhoo can excuse yhoo'rself and not others if yhoo have a bad habit lets say biting yhoo'r nails yhoo'd be ok with that...but another person could bite their nails and yhoo would automatically think disgusting...i think its just a if yhoo fart yhoo cant smell it but others can...
I'm more likely to mentally criticize someone else and then recognize it manifests in me in a different way and become less critical of the other and improve my own behavior.
It's a form of psychological projection. Racists and fascists use it a lot. Thus you understand it's a form of denial and refusal to accept one's character is flawed.
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