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  • Studies by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) show that 35 percent of diabetic women have libido loss. Diabetes is not a direct cause, but its affects on the body can lead to a lower sex drive, according to the 10-year study by the ADA.


    More than anything else, it appears that depression as a result of diabetes leads to a loss of libido. People with diabetes are prone to depression because of the toll the disease takes on their lifestyle and their body.

    Blood Flow

    Good blood flow is important for normal libido. Diabetes can damage blood vessels leading to the vagina and clitoris, decreasing vaginal lubrication and affecting arousal and libido.

    Vaginal Dryness

    Along with decreased blood flow affecting lubrication, diabetes can damage nerve cells lining the vagina, which leads to additional dryness. This can make sex uncomfortable and lead to libido loss.


    Slumping blood sugar levels can lead to anxiety. This heightened emotion can make people lose libido while they worry about feeling out of sorts.


    Diabetes can affect bladder control, and often people are forced to get up frequently in the night to urinate. This disrupts sleep and leads to tired, dehydrated people who have decreased sex drive.


    American Diabetes Association

    Your Total Health

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