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  • If you are planning your first baby, or planning to extend your family, timing your ovulation is critical. Physicians often recommend timing your ovulation monthly, over a year of trying to conceive. This helps them to get a clear idea of your menstrual cycle's frequency as well as helping to pinpoint whether you have problems ovulating or conceiving.

    Ovulation Predictor Kits

    Ovulation predictor kits are designed to test luteinizing hormone (LH) levels which surge before ovulation. This surge alerts the predictor kit as to how many days you have before ovulation begins. The time of day that is best for an accurate result is about 2 p.m., however anytime between 12 noon and 8 p.m. is good. It is important to note that unlike most urinalysis tests, testing with the first morning urine is not recommended. The reason for this is because although women experience surges of LH in the morning, it will take up to four hours for it to show in your urine. For accurate testing you must test at the same time every day. Testing is usually recommended around day five if you have a 21- to 22-day cycle, and day 11 if you have a 28-day cycle. For each cycle beyond 28 days in duration, the testing day will be specified in the manufacturer's instructions. If you are taking fertility medications such as Clomid to aid in ovulation it may give you a false positive result even after completing your prescription. If you are prescribed fertility medications by your physician, he will monitor your ovulation by the use of blood tests and ultrasounds, so there is no need to use an ovulation predictor kit, unless you are specifically directed to. Some ovulation predictor kits are designed to look like conventional pregnancy tests, showing one line for a negative result and two lines for a positive result. Other kits are handheld electronic devices that urine is dropped onto, or a urine strip is inserted to read the results on a screen. Prices of ovulation predictor kits vary depending on the brand and type, and are typically between $15 and $99.

    Temperature Charting

    Another way of predicting the timing of ovulation is to use a basal thermometer to chart your body temperature. Basal thermometers are sensitive and are made to track the body's most minute temperature shift. The digital basal thermometers are highly recommended for the use of tracking ovulation; some even come with blank charts to help you keep track of your temperature daily. The best time to track your temperature is first thing in the morning before getting out of bed. You will need to take your temperature at the same time every day for the most accurate result. When charting your temperature there will be a surge in temperature 24 hours before ovulation and then a decline at the time of ovulation. Basal thermometers are inexpensive, ranging from $5 to $11.


    Fertility Plus: About Ovulation Predictor Kits

    Babyhopes: Charting your Basal Temperature

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