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  • I shave
  • Those that don't do it to please me.
  • I trim, but I don't go bald. My S/O likes it the way it is, he says bald reminds him of a little girl pussy and he laughs =D lol
  • Because I don't want a razor/lasers/hot wax/etc down there, because it itches like crazy growing back, and because I don't prefer looking like a little girl.
  • because it itches like hell when it grows back!
  • Because it feels soft and fluffy not stubbly Because I don't get ingrowing hairs if I don't shave or use hair removal cream (all give me a terrible rash) Because a bush looks womanly and makes me feel like a proper woman not some child. I can still remember seeing a beautiful girl with a luxuriant bush in the swimming pool showers when I was teenager, and I thought it was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen, much more so than shaved (I'm a straight girl, BTW!) Because I don't like pandering to current pubic hair fashions and am proud to be different - I don't care if some people don't like it because pubic hair is natural and they are the ones with the problem not me My pubic hair feels nice, it adds to the sensation and is cushiony and soft :-) Because my hair is red and I like having a red bush. It tends to facinate men rather than put them off - my boyfriends have asked me to grow it, rather than shave it.

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