• A deviated septum occurs when the septum, which is the membrane inside the nose at its center, is pushed to the right or the left. It is sometimes caused by a hard blow or injury to the nose.


    A deviated septum can be the result of a traumatic occurrence such as an accident or sports injury. It also can be congenital or occur during the birthing process.


    No symptoms may be present if the deviation is minor. If severe, symptoms could include constant nasal congestion, nosebleeds and nostril obstructions. Also, loud breathing may occur while sleeping.


    If symptoms are minor, the deviated septum may be treated with nasal decongestants, antihistamines and nasal sprays. In more severe situations, surgery to reposition the center of the nose may be necessary.


    The best way to prevent a deviated septum is to protect the nose as much as possible. This can include wearing a helmet and face mask during contact sports and wearing a seat belt and shoulder restraint when riding in a car.


    A deviated septum can be a serious condition if not treated properly. Severe headaches and facial pain can occur, and chronic sinus infections could also be prevalent.


    Mayo Clinic


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