• Well, some of those with the very highest IQs lack social skills, and some lack the ability to really build a strong relationship with those who do not match their high intellect. That is not their fault, of course, but it often makes it very hard for them to find people with whom they can be on a level and build up that common bond. Saying that, perhaps my very best friend in life is a member of Mensa. He's a physicist (amongst other amazing things). His intelligence is mind blowing, but it is not *so* high that he can't find common ground with the rest of us mere mortals.
  • Well Suby as with everything else, it depends on the personality/character/outlook/viewpoint/mindset. If the smart person lords it over everyone and brings it up all the time I'd say no...he/she is entirely too full of self to be a friend, let alone a good friend or best friend. High IQ, believe it or not, has its limitations not the least of which is very often such people are very very narrow in their interests, have a very hard time talking to regular people, and tend to seek out those like themselves and avoid us ordinary folk because we bore them. Are there exceptions? Of course. But as a general rule I wouldn't look to any type of person in terms of intellect...I would look at character...that is where the real genius lives! :)
  • I have had mostly friends with high IQ's and quite honestly they have zero qualities that are any different than my friends who's IQ's have not been tested or are signficiantly lower. You can have a great mental capacity and still be emotionally retarded, a dangerous combo.
  • Not really. I don't want to generalize like that. I do know that I don't tend to be a very good friend in most people's terms. If I talk to you twice a month, I'm happy.

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