you can never be too old to get married
There is no age limit. You can both be in a nursing home and still go for it.
It's never too old!
no age is too old if its love.
Love knows no bounds.
If you haven't found someone by 22, you never will.
doesn't exist. but if there is no legal benefit to marriage at an old then it would seem like a waste of money?
The age requirements only apply to early end of humans not the rear end. Did i say that?
never +5
Who can say that, when love strikes and the wish is to marry age has no ends as far as I am concerned, let them be happy life is too short. +5
No such animal. You're never "too old." : )
People usually get married to create the family unit to have and raise children. Without the expectation of children resulting from a marriage, what purpose would it serve to be married? Two consenting adults can live together and do anything they choose to do, and if for some reason it doesn't work out over the long term, there's no need to make two lawyers richer.
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