• Problem is, men are not one single mass, just as women are not. So it all depends on who . Some men might like feminists. I doubt the feminists care. I think most people in general though prefer people who can stick up for themselves without turning every single little thing into a war
  • I am a feminist. Lots of men are feminists. I think lots of men don't like the women who pervert feminism and turn fighting for equality into an attempt to attack men.
  • All men are different. I'm sure there are plenty of men out there that may not particularly "like" feminists, but still respect them and their opinions. Life isn't always about like. The sooner I realized this, the better off I was. One of my favorite quotes is, "You don't have to like me, but you will respect me."
  • 2 words... loaded question. Let the berating begin.
  • I think most men appreciate loyalty from a woman who feels secure in who she is and do not need a man for their true identity.
  • Firstly, I would question your use of the word "Most". I'd say that saying "Most men don't like Feminists" is making a pretty big assumtion. I myself have no dislike whatsoever for feminism, I think that true feminism is a good thing. And the funny thing is, in a way you've answered your own question. Many men don't like feminism because of people who turn the principles of equality into a constant gender-war, and make hypocritical assumtions such as classifying men into a generic mass. Most men simply dislike it when the principles of gender equality get taken so far that rather than solving the problem, it merely goes a ways towards inversing it.
  • I am a man and I have nothing at all against feminists and am for their beliefs myself. I have a problem with any group if they become radical or extreme however.
  • I think that the most beautiful kind of woman is one that fears and honours the LORD and dresses in modest apparel; one that is a woman and does not try to be a man, and one who has kept herself pure and not defiled herself. One that is submissive to the will of God and to the Lord Jesus Christ. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • Maybe most men that you know. I don't know any that are not feminist supporters.
  • Most men want a can-do attitude, not an "I can't do because men are keeping me down attitude." We want a kind, reasonable, fair minded, not extreme and angry woman - unlike most feminists. Feminists tend to blame men for everything and lots of them seem to hate men. All of that is a big turn off. Who the heck wants to be around somebody that's always whining and complaining about what men have or haven't done? Nothing more off-putting than the victim mentality.
  • Most men would avoid feminists, or any women, who have a chip on their shoulder, is as far as I'd go. Someone who's happy with herself, and doesn't expect the guy or the outside world to "make her happy". Plus long hair helps.
  • A feminine woman. That is lost today. Men like women who are soft and respectful. Most peaople are quick to point out that these are not the days of Ward and June Cleever. But go back and look at "Leave It To Beaver" again and you will see a picture of a soft respectful woman who never had a problem telling Ward when he was wrong or speaking her mind. That's true strength. Men will respect that. What women think is strength today is forcefulness. That's just a turnoff.
  • I would disagree with that. There are degrees of feminism and then there's combative feminism where they just seem to hate all men, blah de blah. I'm pretty feminist, and not only do I have a bf but I have dated alot and I know tons of guys who like a self empowered, feminist woman. In fact, it's the rarity when they want the stereotypical man works/woman stays home and cooks relationship. We're not all the combative, militant, bull dyke, type. I have a boyfriend and life is just fine. It's just the militant, in your face feminist types, the extremes, that are getting the spotlight- it's ruining it for the rest of us.
  • I'm a man, and I consider myself a classical feminist. In that, I mean that I believe that women should have their interests considered equally as that of men, and that they should receive equal treatment, according only to their ability, and NOT according to their gender. Some women are going to be better at any given thing than some men, and VICE VERSA, no matter what that thing is (medicine, homemaking, financial consultant, etc.). There may be tendencies for one gender to be *generally* better at certain tasks or positions, but that shouldn't be a consideration - only whether each individual candidate, regardless of gender, has the better skills. There is not enough evidence to suggest that these general tendencies for different strengths between the genders are genuinely genetic or if they are products of society, or if they're both in some ways. As such, I like feminists, in the classical meaning of the term. What I mean is women who believe in equal treatment, and that women can do what men do. The "feminists" I HATE are those that argue for differing roles and strengths for men and women, and seem to hate men and "male values" (which are sometimes defined by these so-called feminists as things like objectivity and reason, and science). Women are "nurturing" and men are "cold and analytical", according to those women. From reading on classical feminism, and from my own thoughts and those of my feminist female friends, these ideas are dangerous and stupid and set back women's rights. The truth is that what the BAD feminists define as "male values and strengths" are the good ones, the ones that lead to social, intellectual, scientific progress. They would have the "female values" be weak, passive, supporting characteristics. I know for a fact, from personal experience, that you can find plenty of men that have more of the so-called "feminine" stengths, and plenty of women with the so-called "masculine" strengths. So it depends on the "feminist". Feminists who believe in equality without an agenda are fine. Those who believe in fundamental differences between the genders, and who argue that essentially "feminine" qualities are superior, are more feminazis, in my opinion, and can't be truly liked or supported by any true feminist, male or female.
  • How is that clear?
  • everyones's different
  • I like quiet women who are morally suggestable! ;-)
  • I thought I did. If you think I have a problem following a woman, understand that my boss is a womam and I have no problem with that. The reason kfor the feminist movement in the beginning was the fight for equal rights. That cause is lost now and the movement is about hating men. They are part of the problem of this country.
  • Almost all the men I know ARE feminists. They think that women should be equally respected and able to get the same opportunities as men. I doubt I could be friends with a man who wasn't a feminist. Men don't like man-haters, and I can't say I blame them. The "feminists" that say men are scum are just as bad as the men that say women are delicate and stupid.
  • Really slutty ones:)
  • If men don't like feminists, it's probably because the majority of feminists spend all their time attacking men, rather than the issues at stake. I'm a female and I don't really like feminists either. Women have the roles they do for a reason and its certainly worked thus far. I'm a happy person and I gladly accept being a woman and what that entails in this country. In my opinion, feminists have made the lives of most women in this country harder. Rather than just having to deal with the house and kids, now most married mothers are also dealing with full time jobs, finances, and other things that only men used to deal with for the most part. Kinda sucks! Thanks feminists!
  • Most men I have met don't really care becuase they aren't even sure what is meant by 'feminist'. They appreciate intelligence in women. They also like self-sufficency, self-confidence and physical fitness. No one likes to be attacked, so they don't like women who go off in man-bashing tirades. Women don't like that in men either. Happily, there aren't many of these of either sex. We are not really so divided and we have more in common than differences.
  • I don't think this is accurate. Many men don't like women with a chip on their shoulder...if a woman is always talking about how men are suppressing her and her sisters, that's a downer in any circle...anyone who is one track minded is a pain in the ass...period. Another issue is that most people don't truly know what a "feminist" has negative connotations due to historical events, etc. Anyone who really looks into the history and the values that are feminist would be hard pressed to hate feminists and many men are feminists themselves.
  • Your assessment is--at best--inaccurate and hidebound. All indications are that the new crop of young feminist ideologues coming out of our nation's colleges are even angrier, more resentful, and more indifferent to the truth than their mentors. The large majority of women, including the majority of college women, are distancing themselves from this anger and resentfulness. Unfortunately, too many of them associate these attitudes with "feminism" and so they conclude that they're not "feminist". But what has caused this? The "Gender" feminists have stolen "feminism" from a mainstream that have never acknowledged their leadership. This kind of reaction, unfortunately, has had a powerful inhibiting effect and it has alienated and silenced women and men alike. This "Gender" feminists do not take well to criticism because--as they advocate--they're dealing with a "massive epidemic of male atrocity", and a constituency of benighted women who have yet to "comprehend the seriousness of their predicament". And so male critics are labelled as "sexist" and female critics as "traitors". Mainstream feminists are very disappointed with what feminism has become and so they believe that the new "Gender Feminism" is badly in need of scrutiny. Because only a forthright appraisals can diminish its inordinate and divisive influence. And that's the kind of "feminists" we men don't like. Peace!!
  • I am not sure if it is "clear." I know many men who ARE feminists. The problem may be with the word "feminist" in the US where it is equated with radical-men-hater. But if you check what is feminism you will realize the many types there are and how complex it may get ( But here in AB we have a whole bunch of macho men with very little information and a big desire to entangle themselves in an irrelevant argument. Just check and see otrher questions posed by this kids to confirm my assertion.
  • Show me a factual basis for your initial statement, which I believe to be false (you will first have to show me a definition of feminist that most men can agree on, and prove to me how you were able to deduce that), and I will then show you why it is impossible to answer the second part of your question, which has nothing to do with the first. What is it you really want to know? How about asking yourself why most of your questions, answers, and comments have an undeniable underlying hostility with a blatant effeminate quality, and could this in any way be related to being a coward that derives sick pleasure from anonymous, shotgun downrating reflected by your 71% positive points given and the persistent emptiness that you feel IRL when you turn out the lights at night? Have you ever stopped to examine why your dysfunction here has precisely the same qualities as your dysfunction IRL and why, when you had the chance to enter this virtual society with a clean slate and an opportunity for positive interaction, you chose instead to once again take a shit in the kitchen?
  • Feminine ladies that are smart, well read, kind, sweet and don't hate men. There's really no reason to settle for a feminist.
  • A women that isnt going to tell me that all the problems in the world are mens fault or treat me like a potential rapist or pedafile because i have a penis
  • I'm not sure where you are getting the idea that it is clear that most men don't like feminists. The only definition of feminism is people who believe men and women should have equal rights. A lot of men are feminists, and nowadays a lot of men wouldn't be content with a woman who just took care of the kids and sat around at home, which is all women would be doing if it wasn't for feminism. The movement has allowed there to be two workers in the household and increasing possibility for women, from my experience most men appreciate a woman who has similar interests and can join them in the same activities they like to do and who have an ability to express their thoughts and opinions in an intelligent manner. I have never dated a man who had a problem with me, and frankly wouldn't want to date a man who perceived me as inferior, just as I treat him with the same respect.
  • A non-feminist. I've never met a feminist who didn't turn out to have an anti-male agenda at some level. Give me a woman who's attractive, intelligent, kind-hearted, and capable but doesn't even use the term feminist.
  • I like any woman that's not a feminist.

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