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  • ... depends on how ... ... if they go on a murderous rampage first, then kill themselves in front of many wounded witnesses and reporters just as the SWAT team surrounds them, then they make the news ... if they just pop too many pills, lay down, and die in their sleep, then they seldom make the news ...
  • also if they did it in some really strange or horrific way they might make the news. or if they are a celebrity.
  • No!!!!
  • in the local newspapper for sure, on tv news depends: if it was done in a gory or public way then probably yes, if it was done in a soubtl way and the body wasnt found like months later then probably not, but you never really know. have you been struggling with cirten thoughts? if so feel free to talk with me, i used to struggle with sucuide.
  • Very seldom if you commit suicide does it get into the paper. Of course if you are a celebrity everything goes into the paper about it. I just pray that everything is getting a lot better for you and soon that thought will be erased out of your sweet mind. You are special and do not let anyone tell you differently! If you feel urges to commit suicide then talk to someone who you trust or call the suicide hotline. You took the first step when you postied this question and you should be proud of yourself for that! My friend, you will see a lot of brighter days ahead of you! Keep the courage because I know you are a strong and good person!
  • Not unless they are famous or they kill people before they kill themselves.
  • Only if they do it in style.
  • Most people who kill themselves are insignificant enough to not be noteworthy. They still get put in the obituaries, if that counts.

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