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  • there is no way to tell, i gues if they stop talkn and do it............... +5
  • If they talk about it you at least know they're entertaining the idea.
  • Only when they blow their heads off, splattering fragments all over their living rooms, hang themselves from their ceiling fans, drive their cars into pillars going 150+ mph, or cut their arms wide open like watermelons, can you definitely tell they're 100% genuine.
  • There is a difference between actual suicide ideation and suicide thoughts. Most people, under the right amount of stress or emotional pain, entertain the thought of "ending it all", and even can imagine themselves free of burden if they die. But, if you add to that, actual planning of suicide (ideation), and factors like addictions to alcohol, illegal or prescibed drugs,and mental disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar, ODD or CD... then, you need to try to talk to the person to get help (soon!). In any case, any talk about suicide has to be addressed openly and frankly to be able to determine the real situation of the individual.

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