• According to official documentation, in the range of six million. ... On an entirely unrelated note, the number of Russians killed in both the World Wars is more than 12 million.
  • Roughly around seven million. However any number is too high, including twleve million Russians. War is a poor tool to carve out tomorrows' Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Approximately 6 Million
  • This table breaks the number down by country: You may note that this number of aproximately 6 million is more significant if you consider that it represents nearly 70% of all Jews alive at that time (67% of the total Jewish population was killed; 90% in Poland and the Baltic countries ).
  • about 6,000,000 and 1.5 million being children :(
  • I thought it was approximately eleven million.
  • Depends on who you ask: Any rational person: about 6 million Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: 0
  • around 6 million we must have all studied out of the same book
  • I have always heard the figure reported as nearly 6 million.
  • The statistics state about 6 million. This number is incorrect. I shall tell you why: Firstly, they were not the absolute best record keepers although they were a HELL of a lot better about it with the Jews than us (the Gypsies). Then there were the mass killings outside of the Camps that were not recorded at all. I am referring to the people shot into mass graves, gunned down in the streets, and the pre-concentration camp experiments on mass murder. Then there were the camps that were destroyed before the Allies liberated the camps. When the Nazis realized that they WERE going to lose, they tried to hide the evidence. They dug up mass graves in the camps (not all victims were cremated), burned them, tore down the camps, and destroyed the records. Of course they were not successful with most, however, who knows how many people were not recorded in the total numbers dead in the Holocaust just from the camps that WERE destroyed? -------edited in from the comment thread: :) Thankyou. People do not realize exactly how inaccurate the numbers are. Just with the addition of us you have +5 million. My evidence: . The Slavs are guessed to be higher total dead than Gypsies and Jews (each group, not combined)... not recorded. I cannot even find a decent guesstimate. From what I can tell of the Slavs there were enough of them to begin with to not have any documented population drop that either us or the Jews had and, thus, there is never going to be a number. Also they were tossed in with other groups or not recorded in the same shoddy record keeping as we fell into. . Then there were the other issues I mentioned in the shoddy record keeping. . Did you know that IBM worked with Nazi Germany to create a tabulating device for the murdered in the Holocaust?
  • just under 200,000, the jewish government changed the number to 6million because it says in the torah that 6 million must die inorder for them to form a country, so they changed it to 6 million as a motivational tactic
  • Actually, it was about 8 million...all those people who had living souls were merdered. Why? Because they were myself. If you go to see the movie "The boy in the stripped pajamers", then perhapes you could learn more then one thing.
  • Its estimated at 6 million but the exact figure is debated.
  • the actual number of those who died at the camps from all causes ranges between 150,000 and 300,000. not 6 millions as you've been told at your school.
  • I'm curious about the reactions of people when you ask the question of how many died in the holocaust.It can be very hostile. I have heard that its even a crime in Germany to question how many died. Why is it a crime to ask a question? Why is it a crime to deny something? If I denied the earth was round and said it was flat would that make me a crimminal or a fool? What about free speech? It seems there is an organized attempt at very high levels to prevent examination of this subject.
  • The problem with the holocaust is it’s meaning. The traditional definition was the number of jews killed in world war 2, in total. By bombing, shooting, invasion, and extermination. This is thought to have been anywhere between 6 and 10 million. The whole point about denial is not that it didn’t happen. Or that Jews were killed because of their faith. Just as gypsies and homosexuals were also targeted. But that the word Holocaust, and the figures, have been re-appropriated to gas chambers and ritual extermination. The facts suggest that 6 -10 million jews died in world war 2. Just like 12 million Russians died in the war. Be it by bombing, concentration camps, POW camps, ritual extermination. There is no evidence at all to suggest that 6-10 million Jews died by extermination. Which is what people now try to suggest by using the word. Significant amounts yes, but the only actual evidence covers close to 800’000. 1 death would have been too many, but the figures bandied about are completely false, and totally misleading. It’s like stating 12 million Russians died in POW camps. Totally misleading.
  • According to my sources. There were about 14 millions Jews worldwide at the time. And only 600,000 living in Germany. So the myth of 6 million came from the original 600,000 numbers. No one knows for sure the exact numbers. But since so many Jews are coming up with books and movies on how they survived the "holocaust" who knows! Here is a copy of an OLD News paper article. Which showed that the Jews of the World united and declared war on Germany. If you can't fight back, don't declare war... They're were only 600,000 Jews in Germany, how can 6 million be murdered? More Lies from Israel.
  • Jibberjabbers: Your sources are wrong and you are definitely wrong because in 1933 when the Nazi's came to power there were only 523,000 Jewish people living in Germany.From 1933 onwards they started to emigrated from Germany.The ones who could not leave were the ones who had no means of leaving and these were in the region of 300,000.The six million murdered in the Holocaust came from all over occupied Europe so you figure of 6,000,000 from Germany is incorrect. The process of extermination was carried out like an industrial production line and the majority of evidence of their crimes against humanity were cremated.This evidence still exists today around some of the death camps and this cannot be denied. I apologize to all who may be offended by some of my remarks,but they are the facts and need to be told.
  • weareallhypocrites: Try the United States Memorial Museum Washington as they have all the records that the American army captured when they liberated the camps.These records were use at the Nuremberg War trials to convict the SS guards.I am sure they must have it all copied on microfiche and an archive of original records.Its because the Germans were so confident they could never be beaten,that they recorded everything they did and also the cost of it all,including the rail transport to the camps which all had to be paid for,as they had to pay a tariff per head of all those on the transports (trains) as they passed through each country on the way to the death camps.If my memory serves me right,the cost of a bullet in the Third Reich was 7 Pfennig to shoot a prisoner,and their (German) time and motion experts suggested using Cyklon B Gas as it was much cheaper and could dispatch 700 at at time,all these records are now in the archives and can never be disputed.
  • If the Jews were killed throughout the world according to . Why do we only hear about Nazi Germany? . The numbers however looks FORGED. The Jews have a long history of making shit up. . They are really obsessed with the number 6 if you didn't notice. . 6 day war 6 million murdered 6 day work, sabbath day rest.
  • Who cares, what about the 100 million Christians the Jews killed? .
  • At least 6 Millions and this depends on the files of the Nazis.

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