VERY false once every 3 weeks if im super lucky
False. I don't need to nor desire to.
False. I usually cook something at home.
nope it is to expensive
False, i prefer home cookin ;) +3
False...I'm glad you made that clear, lol +5
If you hadn't made it clear, I'd say true - but since you did make it clear, my answer is false.
Eat AT the restaurant??? maybe once a week (usually on Friday nights) ... take out?? can get 3 nights a week ... depends on how busy our schedules are ...
Restaurant no. Hospital yes.
False...I eat out about twice a month...I like to cook. +5
False i have never eat in restuant ,if i had may be once a year or may be two years.
True...I can't stand doing the dishes and I am too lazy too cook.
False, at the moment I prefer to cook something at home
False. I eat out about 3 times a year. One of those occasions was this past Saturday. We had a blackout (no power). I live in an all electric apartment.
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