• Well, no. The only difference is usually their style of music and what not. Their beleifs do not differ.
  • Just style, I think. Like Gospel and Southern Gospel.
  • im not sure, but i've been to both churches i think i am southern Baptist. I just think one is more stricked.
  • i come from a southern baptist church which basically is the same as a regular baptist church, the only differences i can see is we listen to more southern gospel music not like pure gospel music every sunday morning. also i think southern baptist is just referred to churches who are in the south. to make ti short. technially the beliefs are no different, we both study the same thing. the bible
  • I think there's a strong drawl in the language at the Southern Baptist churches.
  • The Southern Baptist have Footloose and the Baptist have nothing...haha. I'm a member of a southern baptist church and we sing contemporary praise music (e.g. Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band) so it's probably not the music. You can't dance in a Southern Baptist church, not sure about baptist. Southern Baptist don't drink alcohol, not sure about baptist. Maybe it just depends on if the church signs up to be a member of the Southern Baptist Convention.
  • Southern Baptists are more conservative than Baptists. They are more strict about things such as how a woman dresses and such.
  • I don't think it's in the music either, they are both pretty much the same and they believe the same things, I think the "southern baptist" might be referring to mainly the bible belt.. where religion is more common and more of a way of life than anywhere else. it is also in the way they handle their missionaries... southern baptist usually send offerings to an organization that distributes the money.. other baptists only deal with their missionaries directly; ie.. they have designated men from the church who just travel and station in destinations taking care and leading churches until they can get on their feet.
  • ones in the south
  • The differences are that Southern Baptist churches belong to the Southern Baptist Convention(SBC). There are American Baptists, and many others. I am an Independant Fundamental Baptist(IFB). The difference between SBC churches and IFB churches is that IFB's do not believe in a national body that has power over the local church. Doctrinally, or as far as what is taught from the Bible, we are almost identical. It is just that we believe in the autnonmy of the local church, and SBC churches accept governance from the convention. As far as being strict, my brother is a member of an SBC church. They are way more liberal than we are. We do not use contemporary music, they do. We have standards of dress for church, they do not. We would fire our pastor for using alcohol, I have seen their pastor drinking beer. Their pastor has a Skoal ring on the back pocket of his jeans, our pastor doesn't wear jeans, nor would he get near skoal. By the way, we can fire our pastor any time we choose. SBC pastors are assigned by the convention, and firing one has to be done by and through them. Sounds kinda like a government job to me. There is more, but I would not want to get too long here. Edit: I reread my post, and it seemed like people could take it as bragging about how strict we are. That is not the case. Please do not think I am proud of being IFB, because I think I am better than anyone, for I am not. My brother is a good Christian, and a godly man. He is a member of an SBC church. My personal belief is that the SBC is becoming a little too worldly, I heard that they have ordained a female pastor. That is not Biblical, and this disturbs him too. Baptists are supposed to live by the Bible, and it says pastors have to be husbands of one wife. That means they would be men. Leaders are not supposed to even look on the wine. We are to keep our bodies pure and holy, acceptable sacrafice. For that is our reasonable service. No tobacco. We are to live in the world, but be not of the world, our ways should be different that the rest of the world, we are to be a peculuiar people, zealous unto all good works.Strong biblical churches seem to always get weaker when they accept national bodies leadership,as has the SBC. Edit for willy: Nothing here is taken out of context. You are quoting all the right scriptures, you must be struggling with this. The fact is that you are right. All Pastors have to be married to one woman, and never been divorced, have children, rule their homes well, be men, and not be novices. Women are perfectly capable teachers, and are to help teach CHILDREN, and the wise women are to teach the young women. They are Sunday school teachers because Sunday school teachers teach children. Pastors teach men.Women are not to teach men Titus 2:3-4 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and HE SHALL RULE OVER THEE. 1 Timothy 2:12-14 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. The Pastor is the leader of the church. Being no novice means he has to be educated and experienced in Christian life. Part of that life is a wife and children. A young man who is educated by college, but not married, is not qualified to lead, and still a novice. he is fine to teach the children, assist the pastor, learn from the pastor, but not be one. Deborah was a judge because there was no man who was qualified, and remember the state of Israel in her time. Kinda like the US is going huh? Miriam was a prophetess, but not a Pastor. That is a special office for men only. Miriam did not have a church.
  • The difference is in the autonomy of the church. An Independent Fundamental Baptist church (IFB) is not part of any conventions or governing bodies. While the Southern Baptist church (SBC) is part of the Southern Baptist Convention. To me this means that the SBC would be governed by a body of believers and this convention would decide on matters within the church. In an IFB they look to the Bible as the final authority in all matters. But as far as most doctrine is concerned I believe they are both very close.
  • And then there are Primitive Baptists ... . No musical instruments, no separate choir, no 'Sunday School', no missionaries, no seminaries ... .
  • Latitude?! ;-)

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