• I know someone who has lived with Hep C for 9 years. They found they had it when they gave blood and it was traced back to a blood transfusion from a hospital in the late 70s! He doesn't do anything at all for it! They wanted to do a live liver biospy on him and when he wouldn't let them, the doctor sent him a letter that he was no longer welcome at his practice! Nice, caring doctor; don't you think? He seems fine and also seems to have no symptoms of any kind; he's never even seen another doctor about it. He justs tells everyone; especially in a medical atmosphere that he's had a positive test for Hep C. Anyway, I also know a woman who was diagnosed about 5 years ago. They put her on interferon and she responded well to it too also. The only thing I could recommend is going to www.hepc/ or You can also call them and they will answer any questions you may have. Hope this helped somewhat.
  • First, make sure the whole family gets tested. Hep C is transmitted through blood and sexual contact, so if family members have been in contact with infected items (i.e. his band-aids, toothbrushes, and razors), they may be at risk. At the same time, try not to panic. Hep C is a serious illness, but it's not necessarily a death sentence as long as your dad lives healthfully. He should eat a balanced diet, exercise, and use as little alcohol as possible (alcohol abuse can lead to jaundice and liver failure, and this will happen a lot sooner to a person with Hep C because they have weak livers). If he does these things, that will help him maintain his health. I know one couple with Hep C, and they're very healthy, active people. You can hardly tell that they've been affected. I have read that people with this disease can live into their mid-70's.
  • I don,t know alot about it but I do have a friend who has it and as far as I know she contracted it from sharing needles and I do know you cannot get hep c from intercourse. It does affect your liver and it would be best not to drink.

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