• No, I'm Catholic. I'm not offended by anyones religion. I think it's one thing that keeps people sane regardless what religion it is.
  • no, but i am not sure if its b/c i am christian
  • Not by Christianity, but by people who use religion (any religion) as the reason to bring harm to others.
  • No... but then again, I am Christian =P
  • Only the denominations that say women are inferior. Otherwise, no. Why would I be?
  • Real Christianity, not in the least. Fake Christianity, as in a judgemental attitude appealing to divine authority, yes. All fakes offend me.
  • For the record, I'm agnostic. No, Christianity does not offend me. I find some actions done by various Christians in the name of their religion particularly repugnant, but that's hardly the same thing - and I find similar actions by atheists just as bad.
  • No, I'm a Christian.
  • YES-that is obvious by the fact that our opinions are down rated so often, just to be hurtful. It's funny that no one is admitting it in words just by down rating the positive answers. God Bless, <:))))<><
  • no, not at all. but I am biased...LOL
  • Not unless it's combined with ignorance or intolerance.
  • Yeshoua, NO. Christianity yes. Too much destruction has come from it.(to elaborate, The crusades. the inquisition, colonization(through slaughter and exploitation of native peoples)Anti-semitism(Some places Jews, others Arabs)which involves the Catholic support of the Holocaust and the mysterious death of the Pope who tried to stop it for one who supported it. The I have truth while everyone else is ignornant of the bible and will die at Armageddon complex, and gay bashing while breaking all the other laws in the bible. Disclamer: I know that this is not all Christians, there are some really nice and positive Christians who are trying to make the world better, but even you can admit that this has unfortunatley been the history of Christianity.
  • I am offended by any religion that tries to shove their dogma down my throat!
  • I am not offended by Christianity if Christians (or any other religion) just keep their religion personal. I am offended if, in my neighbourhood, the Jehova Witnesses and Mormons knock on my door and those of all my neighbours. If I, as an atheist, would do the same, people would be offended by me too. We are all different, yet we all have to live together. We should be able to criticise each other freely without offending or being offended because this will either strengthen our own beliefs/nonbeliefs or will allow us to see things from a different perspective, which can only be good things, not?
  • I'm Catholic. Catholicism is a branch of Christianity, so I'm definitely not offended by Christianity. There aren't any religions that offend me. I'm sorry to preach, but I was always taught in Catholic school(by my catechism teacher) that it is wrong to judge other people and their relgions, Catholics should tolerate all relgions, and that's what I do.
  • I can be offended by hardliners. But this goes for any religion. Hardliners think their way is the right way and that's it, and they don't mind imposing their view on you.
  • I like some of the stories and prose of the bible but it never did much for me as a belief system. Christians themselves, they have offended me greatly here and there. So have some practioners of other religions. Scientology in particular. Very persistent bunch.
  • No, it's christians that offend me.
  • Not by christianity per se - I am offended by people smugly declaring that they are off to an eternal reward because they believe in the right sky-daddy, and I am headed for an eternity of torture and angst because I don't, and I really deserve it too.... Especially when they'll state it like it is a fact, as tangible as 2 + 2 is 4...
  • I am a bit, it's annoying, plus they say that I'm less of a being, and that I will go to hell and suffer for eternity just because I don't belive those stories. Not mentioning they try to keep me from doing healthy, natural, harmless and mostly fun things such as having sex or masturbating, or tons of other things...
  • I don't think offended is quite the right word for me. I do think there's something wrong with a world where people talk about such things matter-of-factly to strangers, as if they expect everyone else to share in their belief. It irritates me on some level that people aren't ashamed to admit some of the stuff they believe in and that they expect me to respect ideas/beliefs which, IMO, aren't significantly different from the ramblings of a schizophrenic.
  • no i'm not offended by anyones religion cause its their beliefs and what they live by. i'm a christian and im proud of it. i love praising my lord and giving him grace.
  • no i'm not offended by anyones religion cause its their beliefs and what they live by. i'm a christian and im proud of it. i love praising my lord and giving him grace.
  • I'm offended by people that are offended by something so harmless & extremely beneficial.
  • I'm not offended by Christianity itself. What I find distasteful and offensive is the dogma, digression, subjective personal bias, intolerance, and religious influence that have wandered significantly from the original teachings of Christ.
  • I'm definetly not offended by christianity, because I am a christian. I think it's sad when people choose to be 2-faced. When a person is trying to walk upright and they make a few mistakes, I don't think they should be downgraded. Even as christians we make mistakes, but we know where our hope lies.
  • No, not in the least. Bring it on.
  • Nope not at all, but I am a Christian though. The only time I'm offended of Christian beliefs is if the people say they're Christians, but don't live out the life. Ah..that makes me so angry. It makes REAL Christians look bad!!
  • Christianity is too diverse for me to give a blanket yes/no answer to this question. There are both some deeply offensive aspects, and some sublime aspects. Top 3 offensive aspects: 1. The promotion of "faith" as a virture However we might define faith, it's clear that it is used as a justification for beliefs that otherwise would not survive in the face of normal standards of reason and evidence. I think it's horrible that people advocate protecting certain beliefs from scrutiny more than others. That's a sure way to delude yourself. 2. The indoctrination of children. Children are simply too young to be able to resist. It makes me sick that some Christians do this. 3. The many horrid tales of immorality in the Bible that are presented as moral. Top 3 positive aspects: 1. The sermon on the mount 2. The peacefulness and introspectiveness of Quakerism 3. The open-mindedness of Unitarianism

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