Okay, let me give you some advice: If you ask the same question over and over again, with each new one becoming increasingly frantic, you're only going to annoy people and you will be less likely to get an answer. Trust me, you don't have swine flu, and eventually someone will answer your question. Quite frankly though, I don't know why you'd want an probably-guessed answer from the general population, when you can get an educated answer from an actual doctor.
I answered your other similar question here:
Swine flu is just like ordinary flu to the untrained eye. If there's a rash, it's more likely to be an allergic reaction or sunburn.
do you wear a hat ? it sounds like the typical rash you can get from a baseball cap. ???
see a doctor, they'll let you know
not sure, go see your doctor and then you will know what it is
R.I.P. Emu oil Feb 28, 1965 - Aug 3, 2009
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