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  • Because of some of the "erotic" dreams we had, during the night, about women. We have to "act them out" within 6 hours of awakening, or we DIE. Any man will tell you that's the truth, too. +5
  • Because we've had all night to rest, and we've got all day to do it. +3
  • maybe they just think they are because they wake up with a boner sometimes? that would confuse me, too.
  • I'm pretty much horney 24/7.
  • Well, Testosterone levels peak in the early morning hours, which causes spontaneous dilation of the arteries leading into the penis and constriction of the veins leading out of the penis. Soooo, all the answers I have read are pretty much true, haha.
  • We rested and have most of our stamina then. You aren't as horny when you work all day.
  • Because we have to pee. Sounds odd, but it's true. Here's how it works for a guy: When you have a full bladder, you flex your PC muscle (a.k.a. Pubococcygeus muscle) to hold it in. This is the same action people refer to as Kegel exercises, by the way. This muscle is also involved in sexual arousal and ejaculation. So when you're asleep, and you have a full bladder, and you unconsciously flex your PC muscle, it feels good, and it encourages blood flow into your penis, which gives you an erection. By the time most guys wake up, they've been flexing their PC muscles for an hour or more, and their bodies are physiologically expecting something exciting to happen next!!
  • thats a really good question. i don't know the answer all i know is that in the mornings more times than not i am erect, just wake up that way. maybe a doctor could answer that.
  • Because we've had all night to dream about sex without being distracted by daily interruptions?;-)
  • This is a side effect of the REM phazes of sleep when our brains are surprisingly active. In this phaze, men can get erections, women can get equally sexually aroused (swollen labia, moist vaginae, etc.). The REM phazes occur before awakening, so if you wake up during such an REM phaze you're likely to have a boner or the female equivalent. The more complex question is why do we get boners during REM sleep? Because our brains are very active during REM, and inhibition is more of an "awake" function of the brain. So, why are our brains so active during REM sleep? -- Good question. Let's just say that REM sleep is one of the great scientific riddles.
  • Our minds are free and clear of the clutter from a day's burdens.

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